The Wedding ( extra)

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Y/n p.o.v

There I was, waiting in my dressing room. Losing. My. Shit.

Why? Well, i'm alone that's why.

No one was there to walk me down the isle. My father- gone. My mother- gone. Gramps- gone. My Sensei- gone. Jiraiya- gone. Itachi- gone.

I had no one to share this moment with, and it was killing me. My long white dress touching the ground as crouch on my knees. I didn't want to feel this way but I couldn't help but feel alone. I could hear Kurenai's pleads to open the door but I just wanted to stay inside.

* Outside The Door*

" Come on y/n! Just open the door, it'll be fine!" Kurenai yelled. She had been at it for a few minutes now and still no budge.

" What's the matter?"

Turning to the sound of the voice her eyes widen at the sight of the female in front of her. She acknowledged her before remembering the girl in the room before her. " I gotta go make sure they didn't start yet, try and get her out of there." She said before taking off.

* Inside The Room*

I closed my eyes and tried to relax as I heard the door open. I quickly peeked at who it was and stood still at the sight. " Tsunade? What are you doing here?" I questioned.

" I'm here for a wedding with a missing bride," She stated. " The real question is, why are you here?" I looked u at her with a weird look. " It's your wedding day isn't it? You should be getting ready for the ceremony which is starting any minute." She said as she leaned against the wall.

I sighed as I stood from the ground and shook my head with a laugh. " Your right," Looking in the mirror as I touched up the makeup on my face. " I've been through worse things, I can do this with no effort." I spoke to myself.

Tsunade walked towards me with a sniffled laugh. " You'll be fine, besides you have someone waiting on you."

" I know, I know.But Kakashi shouldn't mind though with his late tendency." I laughed as I walked to the door with Tsunade.

Looking at me with smirk, she replied. " It's not Kakashi I was talking about."

" Then who?"


" Sasuke?" I said with surprise. " What are you doing here?" Pulling him into a small hug, I gave him a small caress on the shoulder.

" I'm here to walk you down the aisle." He said looking at me through his hair.

A small smile appeared on my face as I pulled him into a hug once more. " Thanks for this, I was kinda freaking out." I said with a small laugh.

" It's the least I could do, now let's go. The music could start any minute." Nodding my head we walked through the hallways, stopping at the doors. Those big brown doors that will open any second. Once I go through those... I'm a new person. " I just wanna say, that, I'm glad this is your day." Looking up at him I gave him a pleased look. " Out of all that's happened, i'm happy i'm the one who gets to share this moment with you." Sasuke spoke as his eyes stayed planted at the doors. 

" Let me ask you something." I said glancing at him. He hummed in response as I fiddled with my flowers. " Why did you stab me that day?" I asked. A small silence lingered in the air. I mentally cursed knowing maybe now wasn't the time for that question.

" I don't know." He said suddenly. " I was angry. Maybe not all on you but i was upset with you."

" Why we're you?" I raised an eyebrow. Oh boy, please don't make a fight come from this conversation.

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