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Y/n p.o.v

Waking up I realized I was in Sasuke's room alone. Sighing I pulled myself up out of the bed and made my way to the door. Remembering the route I took with him I walked through the halls until I found a kitchen. Walking near the Pantry, I pulled my hair into a messy bun as I looked for food. Grabbing a apple I walked to the sink to rise it off.

" It's about time, do you know what time it is?" Kabuto said as he came through the door followed by Sasuke and his " group".

" Bitch boy O'clock?" I said taking a bite of the apple.

" What? No it's 2 in the afternoon, Lord Orochimaru has been waiting for you to get up." He added.

" Then why didn't you wake me up?" I said half heartedly.

" I-, because you were in Sasuke's room."

I raised an eyebrow. " Your point being?"

His eyes ran all over my body, taking in my appearance. It was now I remembered I was in Sasuke's clothes. Red covering his entire face as Suigetsu coughed awkwardly.

" Hello~" I say trying to catch his attention.

I watch as Kabuto started to breath heavily, his hands gripping his clothes tightly.

" Fix your eyes sight or I'll fix it for you." Sasuke said as he went to wash his hands.

" Right." Kabuto said, fixing himself.

" Freaking perv." I mumbled. " Hey ass hat, ask your snake what I'm supposed to wear for the next week or so."

" His name is Lord Orochimaru!" Said the red head.

" Listen Karen, I appreciate your correction but it wasn't needed." I rolled my eyes.

" My name is Karin, and why are you wearing Sasuke's clothes?!"

" I'm the only female here worthy of the Uchiha crest because- oh wait, I am an Uchiha." I said pretending to think.

" You can wear my clothes as long as you need, I'm going training." Sasuke said and went to leave.

" Sasuke!" I called out.

" Hm?"

" What have you eaten today?"

" hm?" He said slightly confused.

" You heard me, what did you eat today?" I said looking in the pantry.

" I'm not hungry." He said.

I smirked to myself. " Fine, then let's see how fast your reflexes are." I quickly threw a tomato at him. I watched him catch it with ease as he looked down realizing what he had in his hand. " Eat it and go." I said as I turned my back to him. I smiled to my self as he quickly took a bite of it so no one would notice.

~ Training room~

" Alright I'm here now let's get this over with." I said as I walked inside.

" In a hurry my dear?" Orochimaru slithered.

" A hurry to leave." I rolled my eyes.

He stood from his chair and walked over to me. He silently judged my appearance. " Your outfit, it seems a bit... hm....what's the word?"

" Revealing." Suigetsu smirked.

Looking down at myself I couldn't help the confusion on my face. All I had on were my pj pants which were Sasuke's and my sports bra since I couldn't find my shirt this morning.

" You should be focusing more on training than looking at my sisters body." Sasuke said shooting daggers at him.

" Woah! You never said she was your sister! That mean Sasuke is still mine!" Karin squealed.

" Damnit! Now I definitely can't take her." Suigetsu groaned.

I shook my head as I stretch my body.

" Calm down you two. Y/n and Sasuke are not related. Even if they were it wouldn't matter." Orochimaru rubbed his temple. " Y/n my dear, let's get to work." He said as Sasuke and his team moved to clear an open space. " Now I want you to activate your eyes first. The rest of you, there will be a strong source of chakra. Don't panic." They all nodded their heads. " Kabuto go keep an eye out for any intruders." Kabuto proceded to leave the room.

Orochimaru looked between me and Sasuke's group. " Everyone listen up, this might be the most deadliest training session I've ever held. Karin, I need you to sense y/n's chakra and let me know when it starts to become unsafe."

" Of course Lord Orochimaru." She said gripping her gloves.

" Sasuke, on my cue I need you to form your chidori and cut through whatever attack she throws at you."

Sasuke raised an eye at him. " Why is she attacking me?"

" She won't be attacking you, you need to stop any forms of chakra that come near you or any of us." Orochimaru then faced me as I tied up my hair. " Okay, activate your eyes."

Taking a deep breath closing my eyes to focus, letting my words come out as a soft and gentle whisper. " Hi No Kyoka."

Feeling the chakra in my eyes I opened them slowly, adjusting to the feeling.

Third p

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Third p.o.v.

" Hello Miss Uchiha, how may I be assist you?" Hi No Kyoka asked.

" Just y/n is fine, thank you." Y/n sighed as she finished my stretches. " I would like to work on exercises with you. Is that alright?"

" It's perfect. Please be careful Y/n. This could be very dangerous."

" Don't worry I got it." She replied shaking her hands.

" Lord Orochimaru, who is she talking to?" Karin asked.

" She's speaking to her elements spirit." He answered.

" Orochimaru, what now?" Y/n called out, a bit louder than normal.

" Ask it to make an orb! Then disperse it into the air!" He yelled from the corner of the room.

Y/n closed my eyes and held out my hand. When she opened them a ball of white fire had appeared in hand. Concentrating her chakra into her palm, everyone watched as the flame in the girl's hand slowly formed into a round form of light. Holding the orb Y/n then went to disperse it into the air when she stopped abruptly.

" What happened? Why'd she stop?" Suigetsu question.

" Not sure." Orochimaru kept his eyes on the female uchiha. " Y/n! What are you doing?!"

Y/n slowly tilted her head to the side as she scrunched up her face. " he...HEy snake my neck, burns real bad." Orochimaru cursed harshly to himself as he walked over to the table in the corner and pulled out a syringe. He carefully walked over to the girl, cautious of the orb in her hand. " W-What is that?"

" This is an anabiotic to numb the pain in your body. Right now your body isn't strong enough for the amount of power you have." He pressed the needle against her neck. " Just relax."

Thanks for reading!
I do not own naruto.

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