Happy Birthday!

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( Just a little chapter for our birthday boy!)

Y/n p.o.v

I couldn't help but shiver as the room got colder with every breeze of the fall air. Snuggling in closer into the bed sheets I felt a pair of arms grip my waist tighter. A soft groan filled my ears as a soft kiss was placed beneath my ear.

" Good morning baby," I said taking his arms to wrap around my self.

" Good morning love," Kakashi said in his raspy morning voice. " What time is it?"

Picking my head out of my little pillow hole, I reach over to the night stand to grab my glasses. Raising them up to the clock I place them back down on the table before getting back into position, this time facing him. " 7:04." I say shivering again.

" Pretty cold this morning huh?" He said getting out of bed to shut the window. As he reached up to stretch his body I couldn't help but smile at him as he just stood there cluelessly. " What?"

" I can't look at you?" He shook his head at me smiling as I went to put back on my glasses. With my vision now being clearer, my eyes darted over to the calendar. My eyes widened as I couldn't help but smile. " Hey, babe?"

" Yeah?" He collapsed back onto the bed. " We're out of eggs and milk, and some other things I can't remember. But I plan to go to the store later, would you like anything?" I questioned as buried his head in the bridge of my neck.

" Hmm, nothing particularly." He said squeezing me tighter. " We've got the day off, lets sleep in a little more."

" You don't wanna get something to eat? Or go out today?" I question.

" Nah, it's just a Tuesday." I hummed in response and I placed a kiss on the side of his face. Did he forget his own birthday?

Kakashi had went back to sleep, while I was wide awake. I kept track of the clock, watching each minute go by. It was now 8:17 by the time I gave up on sleeping. Pushing him off of me I leaned into his ear whispering. " Kashi?" He groaned as he picked his head up looking at me sleepily. " I'm going to the Hokage's office to pick up the money from our last mission then food shopping, i'll be back." I say while I got dressed in a basic jeans and tee.

" Wait," I looked back at Kakashi who was pulling himself out of the bed. " Let me come with you."

" What? No Kashi, go back to sleep. I'll be back soon." I say moving over to the bed. " You need your rest." Kakashi grabbed my waist pulling me towards him. He raised his head looking at me with sleepy eyes, his maskless face showing how sleepy he is. I leaned down placing a kiss on his lips. " Get some sleep." Falling back on the bed he snuggled up into the sheets as he fell back to sleep. He's such a baby when he sleeps.


" Youthfulness! You need to fix the banner!" Guy shouted from the back of the room. I sighed as I made my way over with the tape. I saw Naruto and Sai come over carrying a big snack plater.

" This is only suppose to be a small get together for Kakashi, not the entire village here for a Hokage inauguration." I scowled.

" It's a party with 5 guys, including your fiancé. They'll eat it." Sakura says as she walks next to me.

I sighed to myself as I picked up the groceries from before. " I'm going back home, gotta get the eggs in the fridge. If anything goes wrong, you know where to find me."

" But it's only 1:15?" She questioned.

" Yeah, I rushed over to help with the meet up. I'll be back with Kakashi around sunset. I've done the most I can, I'm leaving you to look out for everyone." I say as I walked away.

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