The Consensus

382 19 3

Y/n p.o.v

I had been feeling very ill these past few days for whatever reason. This morning, I awoke to the worst headache I've ever had, and felt the most faint I've ever felt. Kakashi had offered me some water and rest but I told him I was just going stand with them. Now that I think about it, Shizune did say I was experiencing shortness of breath and exhaustion recently. We both just thought it was my monthly cycle starting to kick in soon. Currently standing next to Kakashi I couldn't help but keep my eyes activated as I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. Me, him, Yamato and Naruto were standing in front of Sakura as she struggled to say something. I looked over at her with confused eyes, surely if she had come all the way out here then that must surely mean somethings is important. Did Lady Tsunade wake up? Was there another attack at the Leaf? What could have dragged her all the way out here?

" Sakura what was that? What did you say? " Naruto asked.

" What I said was, I love you Naruto." I joked on my breath as I raised my eyebrows at her. Was she serious? This is the same girl who has been involve with Sasuke since she could walk. I looked over at Kakashi who shot me a glance before looking back at the scene. Both Yamato and Lee were shocked at the sudden news, as was I but not as much. I can't help but think that there was another reason behind this. Naruto looked stunned as he listened to her words. " I said Sasuke doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I must have been crazy to carry a torch for him for so long. So listen carefully when someone confesses her feelings for you!"

" If this isn't the biggest bullshit I've seen all week then I don't know what is." I murmur to Kakashi who brushed his hand next to mine.

" But why? What for? This isn't the place to be joking around. This isn't funny Sakura." Naruto said strictly at her.

" What's going on?" Kakashi asked suspiciously.

" Oh nothing really." She said looking down at her feet. " This morning I realized ' why should I love a Rogue Ninja who's a criminal? I should face reality, I'm not a child."

" So you just woke up today and was like, ' I don't like Sasuke anymore, because he's a person who's done bad bad things. So now, I like Naruto!' " I raised my brow at her once more. " Just because he's done bad things doesn't make him a criminal. Sasuke is good at heart, he's just confused. But what do I know right?" I said mumbling the last part.

" Because I've grown into a young woman I've realized many things about myself. So Naruto, you can forget about the promise you made to me. You can stop chasing after Sasuke, alright?" She said smiling.

I threw my hands up in the air walking to lean up against the wall. If she was going to lie about all these things and give Naruto false hope about his feelings for her then I'm very disappointed. I thought she was smarter than this. " Hey! What a-" Yamato said before quickly being stopped by Kakashi. He was right, this is something they need to solve on there own. Kinda hard when i'm getting frustrated by just listening to this conversation.

Sakura walked towards Naruto and engulfed him in a hug. " I can see now that your the one who stuck by me this whole time and that I know how I feel now. I care about you from the bottom of my heart and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, which is wh-"

" Cut it out, Sakura." Naruto said pulling her away from him. " This joke isn't funny at all!"

I watched as Sakura's eyes drooped for a moment before pulling up a smile to cover it. I glanced Kakashi's way with an eye roll as he motioned towards our students. " I'm just telling you I like you now, y'know instead of Sasuke."

" I hate people who lie to themselves!" Naruto said as her eyes caught his.

" I'm lying to myself?" Sakura questioned. " I'm the one who decides how I feel! If you hate me just come out and say so!" She said throwing off Naruto's arms from her shoulders.

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