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3rd p.o.v

Wherever Y/n went she got constant stares. She was able to walk freely before her jail sentence according to Tsunade. She spent all of it training. She needed to distract herself. Y/n didn't want anyone's pity, she couldn't stand it. She never imagined she'd break her guard like that in front of her comrades. She avoided everyone. She slept in her jail cell since she had no house or apartment. That cell would be hers for the time being when Tsunade decides to make her do her time there. She felt bad ignoring her comrades but she had to toughen up and remember her parents. Her father never once liked to show emotion, hence why he and Fugaku were such great friends. If toughening up meant training till she couldn't stand, then that's exactly what she was gonna do.

Y/n rolled her eyes as a hawk flew above her.

" What did they want now?"

She opened the door to see Team 7 standing there. Her gaze met the Hokage's with a questionable look. " Y/n, nice of you to join us." She greeted me.

" Tsunade-san." She bowed.

" Why do you call me that?" The blonde lady scratched her head.

" Because I respect you as a Sanin. I've never been an official member of the Leaf Village since I got kidnapped, therefore I address you as Tsunade-san instead of Lady Tsunade." Her sight trailed to see two pairs of unfamiliar eyes. " Who's the one with their midriff showing?"

" This is Sai, he's Sasuke's replacement."

Y/n's body tensed. " And him?" Gesturing towards the man with brown hair.

" This is Captain Yamato, he will be taking Kakashi's place in their next mission."

" Cool. Hey, uh, what does that have to do with me?" You could tell she was irritated.

" You will attend the mission with them." Tsunade said crossed armed.

Y/n raised her brows. " You're not serious."

" I am." She confirmed.

" Why me? Why not Kurenai or Guy?"

" I chose you because you were the best choice for this mission."

Y/n scoffed. " Not to be rude but I'm a S-Rank criminal. Not even a part of this village, would you really trust me with them?"

The blonde lady raised an eyebrow with a smirk. " You wouldn't hurt them, besides from Kakashi you were their Sensei. You know them better than I do. Besides, apart from the whole rogue ninja thing, you are a great ninja. Being a Ninja, a Sensei, and an adult figure in their lives, it's not that hard to see that you love them just as much as they love you. Seems your Sensei taught you a lot more than Jutsu."

Uchiha glanced over at the two ninjas who were just listening to the conversation. Her eyes softened at the sight of her old students. Y/n sighed heavily before looking at her old students with a genuine warm smile.

" Alright, let's do it."


" This is ridiculous." Naruto complained. " When I trained with pervy sage, I expected real missions and epic battles. Not this dumb kid stuff like I use to do back at the academy!"

" Calm down Naruto, it's no big deal. We'll get a mission soon, this is probably just a prep, or something." Sakura eases.

The 5 ninja were walking down a road path picking up any trash they saw. To say Y/n was upset was just brushing the surface. She thought there would be an actual mission, you mean to say that the Hokage wanted her to help clean up some dang trash?

" Captain Yamato." He greeted the Uchiha sitting under a tree.

" I knew your name already." She said with her eyes closed.

" Right." He scratched the back of his neck. " So, your Sakura and Naruto's Sensei?"

" Was." She corrected.

" What?"

" I was there Sensei. I no longer am."

Yamato's eyes gazed towards the teenagers as they picked up empty wrappers and cans. " How do you do it?" He asked.

" Do what?"

" Act like nothing bad has or will happen. Worst case scenario a war happens, and you're just relaxing like it's a nice sunny day. You know the Akatsuki will come for Naruto. You look like you could care less what happens to him."

Y/n lazily opened her eyes to look up at the man. " If you spend too much time worrying you'll only make matters worse. When the Akatsuki comes they'll come."

" Aren't you at least a little worried?"

With a small yawn she closed her eyes as she layed her head back on the tree. " I am. But I have faith in Naruto. The traits of his parents are quite divine in him."

Yamato hesitantly sat next to her, seeing how she was slightly uncomfortable as she moved away from him a bit. Not trying to be awkward he tried to keep the conversation going. " So... you trained under the fourth Hokage right? What was that like?"

Y/n raised an eye at him. " Why are you asking all these questions?"

" I'm just killing time. Besides you and Kakashi are ninjas I both respect."

She scoffed. " You respect a guy who reads porn everyday and a girl who killed Lord Third?" She questioned. " That's a new one." She mumbled.

" Apart from any misconceptions that there may be, you are an amazing ninja. Your story goes way back." He exclaimed. He didn't know how to take her silence so he just finally stopped talking. He quietly watched Naruto as he and Sai were ticking each other off.

" The fourth Hokage was an amazing ninja. I could sit here and tell you every tale about him but I'm too tired for that." She chuckled softly. " Many recognize him as ' The Leaf 4th Hokage.' or ' The Yellow Flash Of The Leaf.' But I've never really acknowledged him like that." She shrugged.

" What did you acknowledge him by?" Yamato asked.

" To me he was just Sensei. Someone who taught and cared for me." She opened her eyes, looking at the clouds. " Someone who was able to show me that it was okay to mess up sometimes, or to be there when I was having a panic attack."

" Sounds like he really liked you."

She let out a genuine laugh. " Saying he liked me was an understatement. He loved me. He always said that I was like the daughter he never had. I remember the day I first met him. My mother had said that I had him wrapped around my finger when he saw me. From that day he was always watching out for me when no one else was." Tears glistened the female's eyes as she reminisced the memories of her late Sensei. " And for that I am truly grateful."

" He seems fresh out of a fairy tail."

" It was a fairytale,

That I refuse to think is over."

Thanks for reading!
I do not own naruto.

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