I'm coming home

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Y/n p.o.v.

My breath hitched as I saw the leaf village gates. The moment they see me they'll throw me in chains and kill me. I felt myself panicking as I stopped walking and leaned on a tree. The burning sensation in my chest didn't help either, if anything it made it worse. I felt like I had fire smeared across my chest. My eyes grew tears as the pain intensified. My trembling hands struggled to open the pill jar and shove 3 of them into my mouth. My throat stung as they slid down, sweat beads forming across my forehead. I felt a hand begin to rub my back as I was leaning against the tree waiting for the effects of the pill to kick in.

" W-What?" I stammered.

" Don't speak,"

" Kakashi Sensei! Is Y/n Sensei okay?" Naruto yelled.

" She's fine, her medication should help her any minute." He replied softly.

I was honestly surprised he was even talking to me. He hadn't spoken much to me on our way back. He was just listening to Naruto explaining things that happened the past 3 years with Sakura's corrections. Sasuke had come up in the conversation a few times explaining that he left with the awful snake. I was upset, not gonna lie. But in all honesty I knew Sasuke was too dark to stop the curse mark from affecting him.

Once my breathing was under control I blinked as my eyes were stinging. I knew my sharingan was activated but I knew that was also making my situation worse. " Sorry." I breathed out.

" Hm, we're wasting time. I'm already suspicious of her enough, plus her Chakra doesn't help. We need to let the leaf take her in." The one who I learned is Neji mumbled to the TenTen girl.

" For your information, if I wanted to hurt anyone I would have done it already. I am fully capable of doing so. But here I am, willingly handing myself over to the Leaf." I roll my eyes.

" Yeah Neji, don't worry about it! Y/n Sensei means no harm to us!" Naruto says putting his arms around his head.

I walked in front of the group and turned to face them. " Naruto, Sakura, when the guards see me they will not be nice towards me. They will hand me over to the Hokage and I will go through interrogation. I'm telling you this because I don't want you two to interfere with things caused by my actions. I'm nice to you guys because I know and care for you. I was your teacher. Over the years I've become a bit meaner. Just know that all will be revealed in time."

" Alright."

" Sure thing."

When we got closer to the gates the group was greeted by the guards there. They gave smiles and greetings before their attention turned to me.

" Who are you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. " Y/n Uchiha."

Their eyes widened. " You're a S-Rank criminal! What are you doing here?! We'll hand you over to Lady Hokage right now!" The one with spiky hair said.

" Go ahead, actually how about you cuff me first. I'm capable of many things."

" You're a murderer!" One of them shouted.

" A monster!"

" You don't deserve to walk on this earth!"

" Yeah Yeah, bla bla, can you just arrest me already? I've heard this enough times." I rolled my eyes. One of them quickly came and threw a kunai in my leg, causing me to wince and immediately fall to the ground. I tried to calm myself down.

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