Comfy Cell

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3rd p.o.v

It was time.

So many things ran through Tsunade's mind when it came down to the female Uchiha. Y/n agreed to do jail time under the Leafs protection but she didn't know what to do about Danzo. Y/n told her to make sure there were no trials or elder meetings about her incident, but the lady Hokage didn't want this event to slide under the bus. Especially when he wanted her dead.

After long talks with the Uchiha they both agreed she would be a ninja after her jail time was over. Y/n knew it would be a while but it would all be with it in the end, to her at least. As she walked to her cell she saw Tsunade waiting for her at the opening.

" Tsunade-san." Y/n bowed her head.

" You ready?" She asked.

" Eh, I spent three years of my life rouge and alone. I think I'll be okay, as long as the terms we agreed on stay."

Tsunade nodded her head. " I'll try my best to keep this under view. I've asked some Jounin to take there turn watching over your cell incase of an unfriendly visit."

" Thank you Tsunade-sama." I bowed.

" It's my pleasure. Even though you went rouge it wasn't mainly your fault. You did commit a crime but other than that you were silent for the past 3 years. Normally someone like you would be killed by the village, but I'm keeping you alive due to the information you told me and the fact that I know your true feelings towards the Third Hokage."

My eyes kinda widened a bit. " Is that so?" I raised my eye.

" I may have looked back into your files. Now go ahead and get comfy. I'm sure gramps wouldn't want you to cause any trouble, right?" She smirked.

I entered my cell with my bag and sat of the bed. I might as well get comfy cuz this is just like Orochimaru all over again. I slid my bag under the bed as I took out one of my books and read it. As I turned the page I saw something move in the corner of my eye. I looked over to see Asuma standing by the gate, blowing his cigarette out into the air.

" So how long are you gonna be in here?" His was voice sharp.

I knew me and him had some things to clear up as I did kill Lord 3rd. He has every right to me mad at me. " As long as she wants me to be."

" You may have everyone under you little game but I'm not buying it."

" Then don't."

" What?" He said looking at me.

" I said don't. I understand your negative feelings towards me and I know there going to get worse if I keep my mouth open so I'll shut up." I said still in my book.

" Why? You have something to say?"

" I always do, but it's wise I don't."

" And why is that?"

" Because then you'll hate me more." I flipped a page.

" I couldn't hate you more than I do." He lit a cigarette.

" I wouldn't promise that."

" Why not?"

I took a deep breath, regretting the words that flew out my mouth. " If I said I that I killed your father because I had to, what would you do?"

" BECAUSE YOU HAD TO? That's it?! You can't be serious!"

" And that's why I said for me to keep my mouth shut." I said closing my book and laying down on my bed. " Asuma I want to make things better between us, I really do. But I know that'll take time so if you don't mind I'm gonna take a nap. Or try to."

I closed my eyes and let myself drift into dream world.

~ dream ~

I was in a dark place. There's was no where to go. Just pitch black. I took a step forward but I didn't seem to go anywhere.

Where am I?

" Hello?" I called out.

A bright light appeared from my left. I winced as I covered my eyes to keep them from burning. As the light died down I saw what looked to be an orb covered in white fire. It was in form of a circle with wind coming out of it.

" What do you wish to see?" A majestic female voice rang into my ears.

" Huh?" I squinted my eyes.

" What is it that you seek?"

I walked closer to the light looking in to it. Something inside of me told me to reach out, to hold it. I felt an odd connection with the orb when I reached out for it. Hesitation told me to stop, but I let my finger touch it. It was warm, and welcoming. The moment I grabbed it fully my eyes became lighter. My Hi No Kyoka was activated.

" Do you see now child? This is what power you poses. How your able to use the power of the White Flame."

" Who are you?"

" Hi No Kyoka, for that is my name. I am the spirit of the White Flame. I can give you good health and strong power."

I released her orb and watched it as it floated around me.

" So, your like a tailed beast except a spirit and not a beast."

" Correct. Each element chooses a vessel and provides them with health and power."

" So theres Fire, Water, Air, and Earth?"

" Yes, and I, the spirit of the White Flame, chose you."

I shook my head in disbelief. " Why? These aren't my eyes, Orochimaru have them to me."

" That may be true but I chose to stay in your body. I could have left but I stayed because I feel like you are worthy of this kind of power." The orb floated in front of me, stopping right in front of my face. " I appeared to you because I feel like your ready to become one with my power."

" Can I...really do that?"

" Of course you can. Just hold out your hands and repeat the line Shiroi hi, attakai kokoro three times."

I took a deep breathe as I held out my hands. My eyes closed, letting me only see full darkness.

" Shiroi hi, attakai kokoro."

My body started to feel very warm inside, as if I was sitting near a fire with a hot cup of tea.

" Shiroi hi, attakai kokoro."

The warm sensation in my body became very hot to the point where I was force to open my eyes and when I did all I saw was light.

" Shiroi hi, attakai kokoro!"

Thanks for reading!
I do not own naruto.

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