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⚠️WARNING: This chapter will contain bits and pieces of Sexual assault. Please only read if you can continue to. ⚠️

Y/n p.o.v

How long am I going to stay here?

I've been on this same chair for hours. I had a feeling it wasn't daytime anymore. Kakashi left before sunset, no one came in here after that. So I was just here. I wonder if they forgot about me?


I signed up for this the moment I did that dirty deed. I guess there's no harm in falling asleep. What else am I to do?

Stay awake.

Sleep and relieve the worst moment of your life.

Or continue to dose off every 3 minutes.

I was cut out of my thoughts when the door opened. " Oh to whom do I owe such a visit?" I chuckled.

" It's been a while."

I froze. Slowly moving my head up to meet his gaze, I was silently praying for things to go well. " Danzo." My voice ran sharp and cold.

" I had quite an awful day. Many people kept pissing me off and accusing me of things that I did do but said I didn't. And then I get word that Y/n Uchiha is in the Leaf Village, not for fighting or assaulting anyone but for turning herself in? You hear that? Turning herself in! I thought you were smarter than that." He mocked.

" How do I know you are not just some Leaf Ninja in a transformation Jutsu?" I raise an eyebrow.

In an instant he punched me in the face. " Because they wouldn't injure you under Lady Hokage's orders." He spat as blood ran down from my nose.

" Look, I did what you asked for. You made me turn my life into hell and you're still picking shit out of the broken person you created! What more do you want from me!"

I was done.

Itachi was right.

I can't hold this inside me for so long.

I need to speak.

I need to let this out.

" I want you to do your mission! Didn't you learn that a Shinobi never shows their emotions? You were an ANBU for crying out loud, you can't expect me to take you like some mere genin."

" I did my mission! I have nothing left to do but come home." My voice cracked at the end as I swallowed my tears.

" No you didn't. When I gave you that mission I told you that after you do this you will be marked as a rogue ninja. I never said for you to come back!"

" WHY DO YOU CARE!" I recklessly yelled.

" You are the only one standing in my way! You could rat to anyone what happened and I can't have that."

" So what are you gonna do? Send me away again? Make me serve you for the rest of your life? Become a part of a group of criminals?"

" I'm taking you out of here."

I scrunch my face. " What?"

" You're coming to my interrogation room."

Fear washed across my face as my body trembled against the wooden chair. My breathing hitched as he stepped closer to me. In one swift move he hit me real hard as my neck hung downward.

My vision went black.


I woke up in a completely dark room. I took in my surroundings and position just like they taught in the ANBU. My arms and legs were restricted by cuffs instead of chains. My limbs were spread out and I was still in my black shirt and shorts. The room had a pipe leak which caused a puddle to form on the floor. There were no windows, just one door. The door had bars on the window and looked to be made of steel. The room was cold as I was hung on the wall in an X position. I licked my dry lips and tasted blood that I assume came from Danzo's hit earlier. I gripped the cuffs on my hands trying to see how strong the material was and if it could stand my strength. I shivered as the air touched my skin. I've never seen this place before, nor have I known about it. My heart raced the moment the sound of the door unlocking ran through my ears. I see Danzo with 3 other men, men I had never seen before. I lifted my head and caught his gaze.

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