Princess Yuki

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Y/n p.o.v

On the walk there I was reading a book at the back of the group. Naruto, Sakura and Sai were up in the front, then Kakashi and Yuki, and then me in the back. We had been walking for about 2 hours and every minute I had to listen to Yuki constantly flirting with Kakashi. Most people don't admit their feelings but I'm very straightforward when I want to be. I'll admit I'm jealous, which is why I'm reading my book.

" So Yuki," Sakura starts looking back at her.

" Princess Yuki to you." She sneers.

Sakura looks at me a bit taken back as I just shrug my shoulders. " Princess Yuki, If you don't mind me asking, What type of powers do you have?"

" Well I am one of the almighty element holders. I hold the element of Water." She says flipping her hair proudly.

" So that's why your hair looks like a blue balloon." Sai commented as he continued to paint his art. Snickering, Naruto agreed as he kept making small comments that only continued to upset Yuki.

" Alright now that's enough, we want our client happy don't we?" Kakashi said eyes are carried in his book.

" You're right, Naruto." Sakura glared. " So tell us more about your powers."

" Well, being an element holder means I am very strong. So people will try to come for me. When I use my power my eyes turn blue and so does my hair. I am a very important person, so when your Hokage offered to send me home with a group I was a bit skeptical since you are all pretty much weaklings." She said cockily. " All except you of course." She said snuggling up onto Kakashi's arm.

" HEY! WHO YOU CALLING WEAK?!" Naruto yelled.

" Lower your voice Naruto, the last thing we need is people coming after us." I said as I turned a page.

" Blondies right, I can't bear the thought of someone coming after me." She said dramatically. " Wouldn't you agree Kakashi?"

I'm so done with this. " Alright everyone, switch positions." I say walking to the front. Naruto, Sakura and Sai walked to the middle as Kakashi and Yuki stayed where they were. " What're you doing?"

" I don't listen to an uptight, boring, downgrade of a girl, I'm staying here." She huffed. Excuse me? This girl is looking for it and I might just give it to her.

" Shouldn't we just go to the back?" Kakashi said, trying to reason with her.

" No, I wanna stay here with you." Yuki said, clinging to Kakashi. Looking at Kakashi I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying something.

Pinching my nose bridge I looked over at the kids with annoyed eyes and sighed. " Fine, you three stay in the back, I'll take the front, and you two ' love birds' can stay in the middle." I say shooting her daggers.

" Y/n-"

I turned my back to him and continued to read my book. " Let's go." I said sternly.

" OooOoo Kakashi Sensei is sleeping on the couch tonight~~" Naruto chuckled.

" Shut up, they're not together anymore, remember." Sakura reminded him. Ha, if only she knew.

" Anyway, as I was saying," Yuki said, shooting me daggers. " I used to rule a kingdom, I was queen Yuki, that is until my father came back from his 2 year trip."

" OooOoo royalty~" I said, rolling my eyes.

" Zip it blondie." She snapped. I raised my hands in defense.


" It's late, we'll take camp here. I know you guys are tired so rest up, we leave at dawn." I said putting down my bag.

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