Taking it easy

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Y/n P.O.V

Many weeks went by and I was still on ' retirement', while Kakashi was free to do whatever. He would always stop by whenever he could, sometimes with guests, but it was mainly him. He was pretty busy with preparations for the war that would happen anyway now, as I wasn't allowed to know most of it in fear of it stressing me out. Lady Tsunade believes that too much drama or bad experiences can drive one to death, and I don't blame her for that. If I didn't have some of the things that I do now, who knows what I would've done. She only allows certain people in my room in fear of making me anxious or something. It's quite weird seeing her act like this with me, as if she was my aunt or something.

  I haven't really spoken since the day I came in, more or less just a few word here and there. It's not that I can't talk, I just don't prefer to at the moment, and Kakashi respects that so he got me a notebook to write in. Every once in a while I catch myself looking at my belly, thinking about how a baby could've been in there. I don't know who to blame for this, weather it's Sasuke for stabbing me, or me for not knowing. I wasn't sure of my feelings towards Sasuke at the moment but I didn't want to think about him, because if I do i'll replay the thought of his face when he stabbed me. At night time, when it's peaceful and silent I tend to think of what could've been if things turned out differently. A baby boy or girl that looked like me and Kakashi, cradled up in my arms as it slept. I could smile for a million years at the thought of it.

My days consists of eating, reading, and sleeping, with a few checkups here and there. Shikamaru had brought me some books to read in the meantime as my wound healed. He told me that the village rebuilding was close to done within that last few weeks, so I was moved from the tent to an actual hospital room. Standing up from the bed I decided to get some fresh air for a bit. I carefully changed from my pjs to a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, put on my glasses and grabbed my black notebook. Although I was healed I was still a bit sore in the lower area, so I often preferred to use a walking stick.

Opening the rooms door, I carefully walked out down the hall. " Where do you think your going?" Turning around I lifted my head to see Lady Tsunade and Shizune looking at me with unsure eyes. I nudged my head towards the window to my left. " Hmm alright then, be careful. And stay away from crowds, it's not good for you." I nodded my head before making my way outside. Walking around, I got to see the sun for a change. Sitting down on a bench, I got a beautiful view of a Sakura tree as it's petals fell from the branches.

" Oh Y/n-san, Hi." I turn my head to see Iruka walking up to me. " May I seat with you?" I guesser to the spot next to me as I continue to look at the scenery in front of me. " This have been quite crazy around here haven't they?" I nodded my head as I reached for my notebook to write in it.

I've don't a lot of thinking and I never got to thank you.

He looked up at me confused. " Thank me? For what?"

For being there for Naruto. I've seen him hit rock bottom so many times and I noticed it's people like you who bring him back up. He has every reason to hate and attack this village, but he never did. I believe your the reason for that.

Iruka's face got a bit red as he rubbed the back of his neck. " What? No I just supported him, you know, because he has big dreams and all." He said smiling cheekily.

Say what you want, but I think your the one of the people who saved him from hatred.

" Wow, thanks y/n." Iruka smiled before looking at his watch and standing up. " Well I should be going, thank you for your time. Oh and I hope you get better, bye Y/n." He said waving as he walked away.

I sighed as I stood from the bench to make my way back to my hospital room. Opening the door I was greeted by a sleeping jounin on my bed. I carefully changed back into my pajamas and put my hair into a messy bun. I struggled to take off my shirt as I was trying not to hurt myself even more. I flinched when I felt warm hands touch my cold skin to remove my shirt.

" Relax, it's just me." I allowed him to take off my shirt as he put on my pj shirt, which was his. Turning around I was met with his dark orbs. " How are you feeling?" He asked leaning his head down to examine at my face. I hummed in response as I leaned my had on his shoulder with a yawn. " Tired?" I nodded my head before he led me to the bed. He laid his head in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair.

A few moments passes as I looked out the window thinking about the upcoming war. I let out a sigh as I saw the wind grow harder. " You'll come back, right?" My voice came out low and shaky.

Kakashi turned his head to me, looking a bit surprised. " What do you mean?"

I lowered my gaze to his, my eyes wavered. " If I don't take part in this war, I can't keep an eye on you. I don't need you getting hurt or... not returning. So promise me you'll be safe." I let out a whisper as my eyes narrowed at him.

Kakashi took my hand into his, rubbing his thumb on the back of it. " I promise, and don't force yourself to talk yet. I don't expect you to be the biggest talk, so just relax. No one is making you do anything you don't want to." I nodded my head at him as gripped his hand. " Lady Tsunade mentioned you coming into the war only if needed, if that happens I need you to promise me that you'll be safe as well." He said sitting up on the bed.

I wrapped my pinky around his and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. This. This very moment was one of the many where we could just look at each other and know what was going through the others head, and right now I could tell he was worrying about the war. I wish the war wouldn't happen, war does no one good. I just had a bad feeling that this war wouldn't end well. But I guess only time will tell.


Thanks for reading!

I do not own naruto.

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