A New Look

549 23 4

Third p.o.v

Everyone watched as the female Uchiha laid cold on the floor. If you didn't know you would have thought she was dead. Her hair lied flawlessly on her back, leading to the floor. Her skin was pale as it had lost all color. Not a single muscle in her body moved. Many of them were filled with uneasy and soft panic.

" What the hell did you do to her?" Sasuke's cold gaze met Orochimaru's.

" All I did was stop the pain, I'm not sure why she dropped dead." He folded his arms.

" She's DEAD?!" Suigetsu panicked.

" She's not dead." Jugo added. " She's clearly breathing."


The sound of the table disbursing caught everyones attention. Looking to the corner everyone saw the remains of the wooden table as most of it was caught up in what appeared to be a mix of fire and....light?

Orochimaru dropped to the ground and fled to his right. " SASUKE!" The loud sound of birds chirping was heard as Sasuke ran to block the handfuls of fire thrown at them.

" What's happening to her?" Suigetsu asked.

" Her body is rejecting the anabiotic. Her chakra is flying out." Orochimaru ran out the room to find his special 'tool'.

" Everyone block the attacks!"

Sasuke he ran full speed towards his clan member. Right when he was about a foot away from her, he suddenly flew back and hit the wall. Flames covered the female as she was lifted up into the air causing a wave of heat to fly throughout the room. The gust of heat was so powerful that nobody noticed Orochimaru rush back into the room with a jar of some sort. He quickly lifted his arm and thew it into the pile of flames. A great wind blew everyone back.

As the wind faded there stood Y/n, lightly floating in the air with white fire all around them. Eyes blazing. Her hair no longer its long black color but a nice brown with a million tiny streaks of white. Her clothes were no longer a pair of pajama pants and a bra, but a long white dress that effortlessly hung lose in the back. Her scar that use to lay on her collar bone was now no where to be seen. Her skin looked more radiant and clearer, as if she hasn't slept a day too late. Her plum red lips stood out from the pale purplish ones a moment ago. As she turned off her eyes she was slowly placed onto the ground. Everyone's eyes caught onto the female who was examining her new clothes and hair. Groans were heard as they stood up off the floor.

" Oh my! Are you all alright?" Y/n said as she quickly rushed over to each of them.

" Y/n my dear, are you okay? How do you feel?" Orochimaru asked as he walked towards her.

" I feel great. Like if I have nothing to worry about or if I actually got 8 hours of sleep. I've never felt better. In fact, I feel like I'm 18 all over again." She said as her mouth curled into a smile.

" You sure? Your acting weirdly." Suigetsu tilted her head.

" Oh please, I'm alright no need for worrying." She said offering him a wide smile.

" Uh okay?"

Y/n's head shot up and immediately ran towards Sasuke. " I saw what happened. You're okay right? You didn't harm yourself did you?"

Sasuke raised an eye. " I'm fine."

" I think I know why she's acting like this." Orochimaru stepped forward. " This isn't Y/n, this is Hi No Kyoka. She's the spirit of the White Flame, hence her appearance, why she's acting the way she is."

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