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Y/n p.o.v

A cold breeze blew as we walked along the snow, our legs slowly getting tired from moving. We had gotten a ride through a trail which ended slowly. The whole way to the Village Obito was heard saying some nonsense about who said what, to be honest it made me more sleepy than I already was. I was up all night reading scrolls on chakra control and meditation. I had only found out about this mission before I went home, so I had to cancel training with Tachi. I'm not gonna lie, it is kinda weird working in such a group with a bigger number than I usually do. But I guess is nice to have company once in a while, after all I'm only a child.

" Something on your mind?" Kakashhi said walking next to me. Snapping out of my thoughts I looked up at him. " You seem troubled."

Looking down at me silver sword I played with the small cherry blossom charm that hung from the handle. " I'm fine," Noticing he's still walking next to me I raised an eye at him. " Shouldn't you be walking ahead with Minato Sensei? You are a jounin."

" He's in the front and I'm in the back. That knuckle head is loud enough, he'll keep Rin company. Plus your all the way in the back, doesn't seem like the best choice." He said with his hands in his pockets.

" Did he tell you to do this?" I say gesturing towards Minato.

" Just go with it, it makes him happy to know I'm back here with you." He shrugged.

" Yeah, he means well." I say resting my eyes on the blonde male who was shaking of the snow from his shoulder. " I know I said it before but congrats on making jounin. Must be nice."

" You sound jealous," Kakashi commented.

" Not jealous, just respectful. I'm only a mere chunin, I hope to get at jounin level soon." I say honestly.

Kakashi's eyes lingered on me for a moment, before looking out ahead. " You both have always been quite close."

I shrugged. " That's just how things have been for a while." Approaching the Villages gates we all entered in, making our way to the clients house. Feeling a wave of pain run through my head I paused as I tried to regroup myself. Seeing the group ahead of me, I quickly jogged up to rejoin the group.

Knocking on the door, Minato greeted the client with a smile. " Hello, we're ninja from the Hidden Leaf. We got word that someone who lives here needs our help?"

A blonde teenage girl, looked about 15-16, had peeked through with a timid look. Her eyes scanned us like crazy before shutting the door to unlock it fully. " Yes, come on it." Walking in to the main room we all removed our shoes to join her. " Father these are the ninja you hired." Her voice came out as a slur and she rolled her eyes at us.

" Well don't be so glum about it! I'm sure the Leaf sent there best group of ninja's to guard you." Getting up off his feet to bow to us, his eyes met Minato's. " Woah, they really weren't playing around. Your the Yellow Flash of the Leaf." He said with wide eyes.

Minato smiled cheekily. " Hehe, hi there. Me and my team will do our best to keep your family and crystal safe."

" That's a promise y'know!" Obito said with a thumbs up.

" Hmm, we just got here, you shouldn't yell right up in their face." Kakashi said crossing his arms.

The man chuckled. " My name is Kioto. Make yourself at home, I can assure you that our enemies will come sooner than expected." He said before walking away.

Sighing, I could feel my eyes become droopier as I felt my head start to sway. Something feels off here, I don't feel good. My head is just... killing me. The feeling of a hand on my shoulder caused me to snap out of the wave of pain. Looking up my eyes were met with Minato's. " Y/n? You alright?" He said softly.

" Yeah, I'm... I'm fine." My words came out with more breath than I would like. I turned my body fully to hug him, resting my head on him.

I felt him jump to a startle as he quickly pulled me away to feel my face. " Your burning up, let's lie you down, okay?" He said moving me to the futon. " Obito, go ask Kioto-san for a towel and run it through cold water."

As Obito left, Rin stepped forward towards us. " Sensei, is she alright?"

" Yeah, just got a fever. Ironic how it was raining last night." He said looking down at me.

" It was only for an hour I swear, I needed to get at least some training in for the day." I say as I shivered. " I'll be fine, I just need to sit down."

Minato scoffed. " More like lay down, your gonna rest for a bit." He said unstrapping my sword from my back pushing me down.

" Minato Sensei, i'm fine." I say as Obito came back with a towel. I shivered as it was placed on my head. " Shinobi Rule #4: A Shinobi must always put the mission first."

Kakashi leaned down on the futon, shaking his head at me. " Another Shinobi rule is that a Shinobi must follow their commanders instructions. If your sick then you'll become weaker to the group. If you drop your fever now you'll be at an advantage to us." He said monotoned.

As much as I hate to admit it, but he was right. I sighed as I closed my eyes, feeling the coldness on my head. Peaking a glance at Minato I see him pat Kakashi on the back as a thank you. I could feel myself slowly drifted off to sleep, as my body cooled down. Which was short lived as we heard a shriek. Jumping up from the futon I saw blonde girl from before come running into the room.

" What happened?" Minato questioned looking at her, ready to fight.

" What? Oh I saw a fly in my room, it startled me." She said blankly. I let out a groan as I laid back down, trying to ease this headache. I heard the girl scowl at me as I placed the towel back on my forehead. " Got a problem kid?"

I opened my eyes and looked around the room confused before meeting her gaze. " Your talking to me?" I ask.

" Clearly if I'm looking right at you, what's a kid like you doing here anyway?"

" Let's see, if I came here with the group of ninjas who are here to protect you and your crystal, and I'm currently sitting among them and i'm wear a shinobi headband, that could only mean 2 things. Either I'm a Leaf Ninja here to help you or I'm an imposter who's been trying to get the Yellow Flash of the Leaf. You pick." I said with my hands behind my head. I could hear Obito chuckling in the back as the girl mumbled under her breath.

" Hehe, please be mindful of your screams because we might mistake it for a enemy attack. We wouldn't want harm coming to you...?"

" Mika."

" Right. We wouldn't want harm coming you Mika-san." Minato said as he sent her a small smile. Walking towards the futon, Minato sat next to me. " What's up with you lately? You seem more tense than usual." When I opened my eyes, I was met with his blue ones. I shifted in my spot as I felt everyones eyes on me. I hesitatingly reached up towards my headband, pulling it up slightly till pinkish purple mark came into view. I saw Minato's eyes widen before he quickly dismissed the others to go ask if the client needed help. " Y/n, how did you get that?" He asked taking of my headband fully.

" Last night my father was upset at me and he was yelling and throwing his arms around, and he came towards me and it looked like he was going to hit me. So I backed towards the wall and ended up getting hit in the head by a vase that fell." I said looking down.

I saw Minato clench his fists as he grit his teeth, which was a surprising site to see. It was rare for him to get mad, even annoyed. I watched as his eyes softened when he looked down at me with a reassuring smile. " Just rest for a bit, soon we'll be back home." He said patting my head before walking to the door, Minato gave me a soft smile as I laid down in bed. " Just know my door is always open, okay?"

" Okay"

Thanks for reading!
I do not own Naruto.
Thanks for your patience!

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