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Y/n p.o.v ( a few days later.)

I was laying on the bed in the cell, passing a small white fireball back and forth in my hand. I released it into the air and watched it burst into a million particles in the air like a firework. Reminds me of some memories with Minato Sensei, when me and his team went to go see them at the fire festival. I would kill to bring those times back. Back then, everything was easy. Nothing too excruciating. Simple missions and loving people to be around. Sometimes when I close my eyes and sleep I see him. His face is all over my head and it hurts. Hurts to know how disappointed he would be in me if he were to see how bad his student turned out to be. When all I wanted to do was make him happy and proud, I turned that around and did the complete opposite. I sighed as I turned on my side, facing the wall. I haven't heard anything from Tsunade so I've just tried to let things go.

Playing with the beds of my hair I noticed how long it truly was. I'm surprised it got back to it's original length. Even though I got used to having short hair, it's nice to have it long again. As much as I hate that snake, he did help me become stronger. And he was correct about hair being a distraction. The amount of times I had to take the time to tie it up in a fight is ridiculous. Plus it ALWAY falls out somehow. When my jail time is over I may cut it again.

Knowing Sasuke is running around somewhere out there gives me an itching sensation. I know I told him I would always support him and be there for him but it's hard to do that when I'm locked in a cell, miles and miles away from him. He's probably older now, and maybe looks more like his brother. If I could see him I would ask so many questions. Things like his health and mind set really worry me. I don't want him going fully into darkness. He's only a kid, he shouldn't have to worry about things like that.

" Never thought I'd see this sight."

I turned my head to see Kakashi standing in front of the cell bars. I shot him a soft tired smile as I faced him. " That makes two of us." He leaned his body weight onto the wall as he took out his book. " How was your mission?"

" Went pretty well. How's life in the cell?"

I shrugged. " Eh, it's okay. Gets pretty lonely sometimes but I'm used to it at this point." Awkward silence filled the air as we both shifted uncomfortably. " You wanna discuss the elephant in the room?" I asked.

" Do you?" He asked.

" I think we should." I said sitting up. He closed his book and shuffled his hand in his pocket. " What are you doing?"

He took out a key and began to open the cell door. My eyes widened a bit as I looked around the door to see if anyone was around. " I could get in trouble for this but I know you won't hurt me." Kakashi said as he sat down on the bed next to me.

I took a deep breath as I pushed my hair to the back of my body. " We haven't talked in a while."

" I know." He looked over at me, eyes piercing through my body. " You look good."

My gaze met his. " Thanks, time has been kind to you."

" I try." He slowly raised his hand to the corner of my lips, brushing them ever so lightly. " I'm willing to commit to a relationship with you if you just tell me why you did what you did."

" How do you know if I want one?"

" I know that you still have feelings for me, it's not that hard to see."

I scoffed. " What makes you so sure?"

He gripped my chin as he pulled me towards him, lips crashing onto each other. I tensed as I felt him tug at my bottom lip. His hands making their way to rest on my hips. The tighter his grip got the weaker I felt myself getting under his grasp. My lips soon started to move on their own as my arms ran up his, resting on his neck.

Seconds later we pulled apart, resting our foreheads together as we breathed heavily. My hand from his neck slid down towards my waist to grab his.

" I still have feelings for you y/n." He breathed out, pecking my lips as he spoke.

I held his face in my hands. " There's so much I wanna say to you. The truth is that I'm scared to. I'm scared of the consequences, I'm scared for the torture," My eyes blazed straight into his. " I'm scared for you."

" Nothing is going to hurt you. I won't let it."

" Kakashi, when all comes clean, and the truth is out, what happens then? What will become of me?"

He looked at me worriedly. " I don't know. We'll just have to take it one day at a time." He turned in my touch as he shifted so he was back hugging me while we were sitting on the bed.

" Are you prepared to hear the explanation? The real story of what happened that night I left?" I questioned.

" I'm not sure, but it can't be worse than not hearing one at all." I nodded in response.

" Can I ask you something?"

" Sure,"

I placed my hands over his as I tilted my head. " Why did you let me see your face after a few months of dating?"

He rang out a chuckle. " You really wanna know?" I hummed to him. " Well, I'm not really the type to chase girls around."

I laughed. " Yeah, I know. They all chased you."

" But seriously I never showed my face except for my ID pictures and when I eat. People wise it was my father and Lord Third. I realized that I'm getting older and I might as well show someone. Especially if I'm dating that person." I could hear the smile as he spoke.

I turned my head to face him, looking him in the eyes. " I'm glad you show'd me. It makes me feel special."

" You are." He said leaning down to kiss my forehead. " Do you want to wait?"

" Wait for what?"

" For peace. When all this is over and everyone can let the weight on their shoulders, do you want to give this another go?" I continued to stare at him, not saying a word at him. His eyes showed slight panic as he tried to reword his sentence. " That is, if you want to. I don't mind dating you right now. I just thought that with everything going on you would want some space."

My eyes glimmered at the sight of him. " I don't know what I did to deserve you."

" You deserve more than me." He nuzzled his head into the crock of my neck.

" Be quiet will you, we were having a moment."

He let out a laugh, which tickled my neck. " Fine, let me ref-raze that."

" Out of all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right, to deserve your love."

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