The Truth

469 19 4

Y/n p.o.v

" Achoo!" Naruto sneezed as we were jumping from tree to tree. Yamato quickly shushed him. " What? It got cold all of a sudden."

" Were in the middle of tailing so shhh!" Yamato said, sweat dropping. Landing on the ground we all softly planted our feet onto the snow. " Alright, I don't think they heard us so lets just go ahead an-"

" Come out you Hidden Leaf dogs!"

" Yeah, cuz we were so quiet right?~" I smirked at Yamato as we stepped out from behind the rock. All four of us jumped down in front of them

" We need to talk!" Naruto announced, face looking stern.

" You actually tailed Samui. You guys are pretty good." The blonde said.

" O- You're Naruto." One of the cloud ninjas called out. " You tailed us? Whats the big deal!?!"

" Boss the two on the right, they're Kakashi Hatake and Y/n Uchiha." The blonde informed.

" I know that! Did the Hokage send you two?" The Raikage asked.

" No, we came to ask you personally about a request by Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf. If you would hear him out for just a while" Kakashi answered glancing at me.

" Naruto Uzumaki?" He said shifting his eyes over to Naruto.

" Isn't this a bit rude? Stopping us en route to the summit without any prior notice."

" We are fully aware of that."Kakashi answers.

" No matter. You, boy. Speak!" He said to Naruto.

" Sasuke, I want you to cancel the disposal of Sasuke Uchiha!" As Naruto spoke, everyone seemed to be taken back. " I know it sounds ridiculous! But this is the only way I know how to say it! Sasuke is my friend! My friend is gonna get killed. I can't just stand by and let it happen! On top of that, I don't want Sasuke to be the cause of the Leaf and the Cloud Villages killing each other. I don't want my friends or the Cloud to fight for revenge!" My eyes followed the Raikage as he walked towards Naruto, and went straight passed him. Naruto gasped and ran back in front of him only for the Raikage to pass him again. " I'm begging you! I don't want us killing each other out of vengeance anymore!" He said getting down on his knees.

My heart ached seeing this. All Sasuke wanted was revenge, he wanted it so much it swallowed him hole and made him lose his path. Part of which was probably my fault for not stopping this at the start. All Naruto wants is for Sasuke to be safe and for no one else to become like him.

" Thats why..." Naruto said choking on his words, letting his tears fall.

" We will dispose of Sasuke!" The Raikage said. " After that, you can stop the cycle."

I clenched my fists under my cloak. " Lord Raikage, the incident in which you tried to obtain the Hyuga Byakugan is still unresolved on our side. The Leaf has done all they could to keep us out of war. It's thanks to those noble sacrifices that your people still exist. Don't forget that." Yamato said.

I stepped up next to Naruto. " Right here and now is a young ninja bowing his head in his affection for the cloud and the Leaf village and the nation. Lord Raikage, you being on of the great five Kage, what do you think of this?" I questioned.

The Raikage turned back around to see Naruto still on the ground. " A ninja does not bow is head so easily! A ninja values action and strength! The history of man is a history of war. Since the three Great Ninja Wars every nation, and every land has tried to obtain powerful ninjutsu. Those without power are crushed, that is the truth of the Shinobi World." If he doesn't sound like my father right now then I don't know who. " The Akatsuki will be branded as wanted fugitives. Then, not only I, but the whole world will hunt down Sasuke. Yet you bow and beg for mercy for a criminal. That is not a relationship you should have!" He said while turning his back and leaving.

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