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(Just in case anyone forgot what the bracelet looked like^^^)

Y/n p.o.v

Siting down on the couch, Kakashi grabbed some blankets and started making me a cup of tea. I let my blonde hair fall from the bun it was in and take off my gear, dropping it off the floor. I probably looked like a mess right now and I know my father wouldn't like it, I can picture it now he would've been so pissed off seeing his daughter embarrass him like that.

" Here," Kakashi handing me my cup of tea. " Speak whenever your ready." He said closing the blinds and taking off his mask.

Swallowing all of my anxiety I raised my gaze to meet his. " He's dead, Tachi's dead." My voice cracked as more tears fell down my face. Kakashi moved me into his arms and held me like a child. " I-I tried, I tried to save him but-" I hiccuped as I turned my face into his chest. " He wouldn't let me. Why wouldn't he let me save him?"

" I don't know, but it was probably for a good reason." He said stroking my hair. " I know it's hard but you'll get through this."

" How can you be so sure? I haven't felt like this for a long time." I raised my head to look up at him.

" Because you've been through this before, and you got through it. And I'm going to help you. Your gonna be just fine. " He said kissing my forehead. " Is Sasuke alright?"

" He's fine, an Akatsuki member came and took the body and him away somewhere." I said moving closer to him. His body heat warmed my up as I sighed silently.

" Have you told them?" He asked softly. I clocked my head to the side, confused. " Have you told your family? Or Sensei?"

I found myself fiddling with the bracelet Minato Sensei gave me as I felt my heart ache as I imagined the disappointed look on there faces. " No... I hadn't gotten to it. When Shikamaru found me, I was just coming back through the village."

He nodded his head at me. " Hey," he said noticing my tearful eyes. Frowning at my sadness Kakashi lifted up my chin with his finger, softening his eyes at the look on my face. " I love you."

" I love you too," I said tears softly falling down my cheek.

" Are you gonna be okay?" He asked spooning me.

" Yeah, eventually." I said fiddling with my hands

Kakashi leaned down to kiss me tenderly, his hands softly gripping on my skin. Pulling away from my lips he placed soft kisses on my nose then on my forehead. " Whatever happens, we'll do it together."

I smiled brightly at him. " Yeah, together."

Thanks for reading!
I do not own naruto.
Sorry for such a short chapter!

Sunset✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora