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Y/n p.o.v

" Send Ibiki in here!" Tsunade yelled down the hall.


After I make my offer I'm getting interrogated. I guess she's just being cautious, but so am I. Danzo is not a good man. I could die. I really could. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

" Lady Tsunade." Ibiki said with a bow.

" Ibiki, this is Y/n Uchiha. Get whatever information you can out of her. Don't be too intense on her, I still need to make a decision for her." I felt myself get dragged away from the office and a bag of some sort placed on my head.

Oh lovely. I can't see shit.

The trip to god knows where just felt like I was walking on giant rocks. I was being pushed and shoved all over. I heard a door open and got shoved inside. I was strapped to a chair and my arms and legs were cuffed to the chair. I shivered at the cold chains against my skin. The bag was ripped off my head and my eyesight blurred. I caught a glimpse of the dark room as Ibiki stood over me.

" Alright, let's just get straight to it. Why did you kill the Third Hokage?"

" No comment." I stated.

" Hmm, why did you go rogue?"

" Can't say."

" What have you done for the past 3 years?"

I smirk. " Next question."

He sighed harshly. " You know this doesn't have to be painful. Just answer the questions and you'll leave without a scar."

" We both know that's not happening." I chuckled at him.


My cheek stung as I looked back at the man towering over me. I could just answer his questions but truth be told I'm more scared of Danzo than any of these Leaf Ninjas. " I'll ask again, Why did you kill the Hokage?"

" Cause I did."


" How much power did you obtain?"

" Don't worry about it."


" Ooo, good one." I rolled my eyes.

He grunted. " How difficult are you going to make this?"

" How long are you going to make this?"


I turned my head to the side and coughed blood. I heard his footsteps as he walked towards the closet and picked out a wooden stick.

" Are you gonna keep quiet?"

" Are you gonna keep bitching?"









8 slashes.

8 hits from that wooden stick. Multiple parts of my body stung. " Do you have any relationship to Orochimaru or the Akatsuki?" He cracked his knuckles.

" Why would you think that?" I question.

" I have my reasons. Now answer the question."

" I don't think I will."












It took 19 hits total for that stupid stick to break. " Aw bye bye stick." I whispered.

He gripped his hair before walking to the door and saying something I couldn't hear. As he faced me he yanked me up by my hair. " We can do this all day. I could kill you if I wanted to." He glared deeply into my eyes.

" Kill me then."

" What?" His eyes lit with curiosity.

" There's no point in wasting time like this, especially with all the chaos about the Akatsuki. Besides, it would save me the trouble."

" Your wanted for murder, man slaughter."

" Then do as you please." I said dryly. I was cut off when the door opened and I saw his eyes meet mine. " This is your plan? To get info out of me you sent scarecrow to do it?" I laughed menacingly. " Oh you've got to be kidding me." I watched Ibiki as he stared at me before walking out the door and slamming it shut leaving me with the jounin. " Hey Kakashi."

" Ibiki had some fun, I see." He said dryly.

" Yes, the best of fun. Then we talked about our childhood dreams and how much we love different ice cream flavors!" I rolled my eyes.

" Oh really? What's your favorite type?"

" Ha ha, very funny."

He chuckled a bit. " Sorry."

" You know I'm surprised you're even talking to me." I admit.

" I am as well. I can't pinpoint how I feel right now so I'm just saying whatever comes to mind." He shrugs his shoulders.

" Do me a favor will you?"

" And that is?"

" Visit the K.I.A Stone for me."

" No problem."

We were quiet for a minute. " What happened over the past 3 years?" I ask.

" Well, after Sasuke left the village, Naruto soon decided to train under Master Jiraiya as Sakura trained under Lady Tsunade."

" She became Hokage after Lord Third?"

" Yup, Naruto returned not that long ago and we all met back up and did a bell test to see how far they've grown. I was honestly impressed."

" Did they beat you?"

" Yeah they got me by spoiling what happens at the end of my book." He said, shaking his head.

I let out a small laugh. " Those books will be the end of you."

" I know. Then we went to the sand to stop the Akatsuki from taking the tailed beast out of Gaara and yeah. You showed up after that. The rest is history."

" Seems like I missed some things, don't I?"

" Mhm." He walked over and bent down before me. " Why did you do it? I know you had a reason to. So why did you?"

" You don't believe I killed him just to kill him?"

" Me? No." He scoffed. " Are you serious? It's very hard to believe."

I bit my lip as I looked to my left avoiding eye contact with him. He gently moved my face so I looked right at him. He gave me a soft smile through his mask. " Kakashi, if I say anything I'm not only putting myself in danger but I'm putting you in danger as well."

" We'll protect you from any harm. Just tell us so you can be let go."

" I'm going to say one thing and after that you have to leave. Okay? I don't want to risk anything."

" What is it?" He stood up, his tall body towering over me.

" The murder of the Third Hokage wasn't by choice, but by force."

Thanks for reading!
I do not own naruto.

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