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It was Friday after school McKenzie was running down the driveway she was super excited because she got invited to a sleepover tonight with her friends Hayden & Chloe.

Dylan was at the porch to greet her.

"Hey Kenzie, how was school?" Dylan asks picking his little sister. She was out of breath. Dylan just laughs.

"Why were you running? What are you so excited about?" Dylan asks carrying McKenzie inside.

"Hayden & Chloe invited me over for a sleepover tonight!" McKenzie yells. "Shhh, I get it, you're very excited." Dylan laughs.

Lee was in the kitchen & overheard the conversation.

"Can I go Mama?" McKenzie asks as Lee peeps her head around the corner.

Deep down Lee wanted McKenzie to go, but she knows home McKenzie can get when she isn't around people she knows at night.

"I don't know baby, we will have to wait until your daddy comes home & see what he says." Lee says hugging McKenzie.

"Okay." McKenzie says kind of sad, because she knows her dad is going to say no.

Lee fixed McKenzie a snack while she waited for her dad to come home.

30 minutes later Emerson walked to the door.

"Daddyyy!" McKenzie ran to him.

"Hey Pumpkin." Emerson says picking up his daughter & kissing her cheek.

"I have something really important to ask you, & you can't say no." McKenzie says with a smirk.

Emerson chuckled. "Okay, what is it?" He asks.

"I got invited to a sleepover tonight at Hayden's & Chloe's, can I go?" McKenzie asks pulling her fingernail polish off her nails.

Emerson thought about it. "I don't know Kenzie, you know how you are when your not at home at night." Emerson says looking at his wife.

"But daddy..." McKenzie says about to cry.

"Go with Dylan & Tyler & take a bath, your mother & I will talk about this." Emerson says sitting down on the barstool waiting for them to head up stairs.

"I want her to go." Emerson says to Lee messing with stuff on the counter.

"I do too, we know how she gets when she's not at home at night." Lee says. Emerson nods.

"All I can say is let her go, who knows, she may enjoy herself, but if she wants to come home we'll go get her." Emerson explains.

"Are you sure you want her to go?" Lee asks again just to be sure. "Yes." Emerson answers.

After their talk. McKenzie came down stairs with a wet head.

"McKenzie come here." Emerson says to his daughter.

McKenzie walks to the kitchen & Emerson sets her on the counter.

"Your mother & I have decided that you can go to your sleepover, but if you need any of us during the night & if you wanted to come home, just ask Hayden's & Chloe's mom & she will call us to come get you." Emerson explains.

McKenzie was smiling from ear to ear she was so excited.

"Let's go pack what your going to take & I'll take you." Lee says going to McKenzie's room.

Lee helped McKenzie pack some clothes, her pillow, & a blanket.

"Emerson I'll be back soon." Lee says walking out the door to the car.

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