Different But Same

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The past week Dylan has been complaining about chest pains.

Around 11:30pm Dylan wakes up & sits up on the side of his bed. He chest is killing him & he cannot sleep.

Dylan was also breathing hard & it woke Tyler up. Tyler turned the light on above his bed.

"You okay bro?" He asks Dylan kind of worried because he didn't look good.

"No, my chest is hurting." Dylan says getting up off the bed & goes to his parents bedroom.

"Mama." Dylan whispers trying not to wake his father. Lee gets up. "Are you okay?" She asks. Dylan shakes his head. "My chest is hurting." He says.

Lee gets up & heads to the kitchen. She takes some tums out of the cabinet. "I believe you just have acid reflux, you need to watch what you eat, here chew these." Lee says handing Dylan two tums. Dylan nods while chewing the tums. He made a sour face because they tasted like chalk. Lee smiles. "I know, they aren't the best tasting thing in the world." She says rubbing his back. "If you need me during the night come get me." She says going back to bed. Dylan did the same.

Around 7am Dylan wakes up with his chest hurting again. All he wanted was for the pain to go away.

Dylan got dressed for school. "Do you feel like going to school?" Lee asks making breakfast. Dylan nods. "If you don't it's fine, sweetheart." She adds.

Lee made Dylan a plate of pancakes. Dylan shakes his head. "You need to eat." Dylan shakes his head again & drinks some water.

Dylan starts pushing on his chest again. "Dude, what your problem?" Jake says fixing some pancakes. "My chest hurts & I don't know why." Dylan says.

"You are not going to school." Lee says. "Mom, I'm fine." He says. Lee wasn't having it. "I'm taking you to the doctor today to find out what's wrong with you." Lee says. "You shouldn't mess around with chest pains either." Emerson adds.

While everyone one else heads off to school. Dylan lays on the couch irritated because he wanted to go to school.

Lee calls the family doctor & gets him an appointment at 12:30 the same day.

"I still think it's acid reflux." Dylan says. "Dyl, you never know, it could be something more serious." Lee says concerned for her son.

Soon 12:30 rolls around & they are waiting at the doctors, Dylan is still pushing on his chest.

"Dylan?" A nurse calls his name. "I can go by myself." Dylan says as Lee stood up with him. "I'm going back there with you." Lee says sternly. Dylan huffs quietly.

Dylan sits down on the table & the nurse checks his vitals.

"Blood pressure is a little high." She say writing it down. "The doctor will be in here shortly." She says leaving.

15 minutes later the doctor walks in. "I hear you are having chest pains?" He says listening to Dylan's heart. "Yes sir." Dylan answers.

"Blood pressure is up a little, & heart is beating a little faster than normal. Are you on any medication?"

Dylan shakes his head, no.

"I want to send him to the hospital for more testing, because we are limited on what we can do here, I don't think it's acid reflux." He tells Lee. They get up & the doctor hands Lee a referral.

On the way to the car Dylan is nervous.

"I don't want to go to the hospital." He says. Dylan hates hospitals with a passion.

"I know you don't sweetie, but we have to get to the bottom of why you are having chest pains." Lee says feeling for her son.

On the way to the hospital Lee calls Emerson & tell him what's going on.

At the hospital they immediately take Dylan back. A nurse put an IV in & checks the paper that Lee had that the doctor sent.

"Blood pressure is still high, & heart is beating faster." A doctor says listening to Dylan's heart.

Another nurse comes in with a wheelchair. "I'm going to run some test on you." She says wheeling Dylan away.

It was a good hour of waiting until Dylan came back.

"Okay." A doctor says sitting down next to Lee.

"He has an irregular heart beat, it's nothing we can't handle, it will not require surgery, because it's not that serious yet, I'm not saying it can't get worse over time, we will proscribe him some antibiotics to take twice a day. Any questions?" He asks. Both of them shake their heads. "Alright, I'll get your discharge papers." He says leaving.

"So I have what Kenzie has?" Dylan asks Lee. Lee nods. "But yours isn't as serious as hers." She says. Dylan was still pretty scared.

30 minutes later they were heading home. It was 5pm when they arrived.

"How did it go? Was it anything serious?" Emerson asks. "I have an irregular heartbeat." Dylan says. "Like me?" McKenzie says smiling because now she wasn't alone. "Yeah, but I won't have to have surgery like you did because mine isn't as bad as yours." He says picking her up.

"I'm not alone anymore." She says. "& I'm not either, we will get through this together." Dylan says kissing her cheek.

"Was you scared?" She asks. "A little bit, but I remembered how brave you were, so I knew if you can be so brave, so can I."

After a few days on his medication Dylan was feeling better, McKenzie helped him along the way.

this one was so cute to write. please vote & leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter! ❤️ i'm in a writing mood right now, so if you have any suggestions please let me know!! (:

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