Happy Birthday Jakey

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"McKenzie, darling, you need to wake up." Lee says rubbing McKenzie's back.

"Mmm, it's so early." McKenzie says into her pillow.

"Do you want to go to Athens today? It's a very important days." Lee says picking out McKenzie's outfit. "Do you know what today is?"

McKenzie thought for a minute. "Jakey's birthday." She says excited.

Lee nodded helping McKenzie get dressed. "Go brush your teeth & meet me downstairs."

McKenzie rushed to the bathroom. She couldn't wait to see Jake today.

After McKenzie brushed her teeth she walked down stairs in her #11 jersey.

"Y'all ready?" Emerson asked.

Dylan picked McKenzie up & nodded. Lee had Jake's presents in her hand.

Dylan placed McKenzie in the middle seat.

"I'm so excited to see Jake!" McKenzie yelled. Dylan laughed. "Shhh, we all are." He says buckling her up. They haven't seen Jake in over 4 weeks so it was time for them to see him. Lee decided taking McKenzie to Athens for the first time would be a great birthday treat.

It was a long 2 hour drive to Athens from Warner Robins.

"Are we there yet?" McKenzie asked.

"No Pumpkin, we just pasted Macon." Emerson answered. "I know, waiting is the hardest." He added.

McKenzie was so bored.

Tyler let her watch a show on his phone, but she was bored of that rather quickly.

She handed Tyler his phone back. "You don't want to watch a movie?" Tyler asked swiping up his apps. McKenzie shook her head no.

The boys tried to talk of a way to make this long car ride fun for McKenzie.

They were counting all the red cars that were going to opposite way.

"1, 2, 3...." McKenzie was counting.

"4, 5, 6, 7..." Tyler said looking out the window for cars too.

That lasted for about 10 minutes. Emerson pulled into the gas station to fill up his truck.

"If anyone needs to go to the bathroom now is your chance." Lee said getting out of the truck.

Dylan unblucked & helped McKenzie out. "Go with mama." He said setting her down on the ground. Lee grabbed her hand.

"We only got an hour & half left sweet girl, you can take a nap the next hour." Lee says. McKenzie nodded. "Don't let you excitement keep your from sleeping." Lee said laughing. After they got done using the bathroom Lee walked with McKenzie back to the truck. Dylan help her in.

"We're halfway there." Emerson said, he was happy because he hates driving long distances.

McKenzie laid he head on Dylan's shoulder & went to sleep. All three in the back were asleep. It was a very quiet hour & half.

They arrived at Jake's town house around lunchtime.

Everyone got out. "Let Jake come get here." Lee says to Dylan.

"Jake, your family is here." Charlie one of his roommates says. Jake was confused because they didn't tell him that they were coming.

Jake opened the door.

"Happy Birthday son." Lee says giving Jake a big hug.

"Thanks mama." Jake says.

"Your sister is in the truck if you want to go get her out." Lee said making her way into the house.

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