Field Day

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McKenzie will be in Kindergarten
Jake will be a senior
Tyler & Dylan will be sophomores

"It's your favorite day, they say you've been waiting for all year." Jake says waking McKenzie up.

McKenzie woke up with a big smile on her face, it was finally field day.

"I'm so excited!" McKenzie says getting out of bed & putting her shorts & her field day shirt on that her school gave her.

"I remember my first field day." Dylan says reminiscing. "Yeah, me too." Tyler says laughing.

"What did you do to him?" McKenzie asks eating breakfast while her mom braided her hair. "I pushed him down the water slide." Tyler says.

"Okay, maybe they will stay in all day." Lee says putting the hair brush up.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" McKenzie says so excited.

"If only she was that excited throughout the year." Emerson laughs.

Jake carries McKenzie to his truck & tries to buckle her in her car seat.

"I can do it by myself." She says swatting Jake's hand away. "Well excuse me." Jake says watching McKenzie try to buckle herself in. She ended up needed his help.

"Y'all have a great day, take your time on your exams." Lee says to her boys. "& you miss priss, have an awesome day, don't play too hard."

"Bye, mama, see you after school." Jake says.

On the way to school McKenzie told her brothers what all they were going to do a field day.

"Makes me wish I was still in Kindergarten." Jake laughs. "Dude, you graduate in like 4 days." Dylan says. "No looking back now."

At the elementary school Jake drops McKenzie off. "Bye Shorty, I love you." Jake says. McKenzie gave her brothers hugs & got out of the truck & ran to the school.

"Never seen her so excited for school." Dylan laughs.

"Good Morning McKenzie." Her teacher says. "Good Morning." She says back.

After all the students enter the classroom their teacher went over the field day schedule.

"One two three, eyes on me." Mrs. Carr says to get the class attention. "One two three, eyes on you." The class repeats.

"I know we are excited for today, but when need to tone it down a little bit. I want to go over the schedule for today & all the stations we have today. First we will go to the field & play competition soccer with Mrs. Knox's class next door, then we will go in the gym & play on the bounce houses & slides, after we will come back & eat lunch in the classroom, after lunch we will stay in the classroom & play board games, & our last activity for field day will be water slides." She explains. "Does anyone have any questions?" No one raised their hands. "Okay everyone line up at the door.

Outside McKenzie's class ran to the soccer field. The assistant went over the rules & begin the game.

"Go Kenzie!" Her teacher cheered her on as she kicks the ball to their goal. McKenzie tries to kick it in but the goalie kept knocking it out. "Keep trying, Kenzie!" She says.

At the end of the game McKenzie class won. McKenzie scored one goal. "Great job Kenzie, you were fast."

"Everyone go to the gym." She says. all the kids took off running. When McKenzie went in she seen Dylan helping out with the bounce house. "One at a time down the slide, & up to 4 can be in the bounce house." He says before he lets them go. Dylan also gave McKenzie a high five. "Bounce your heart out." He says. McKenzie nods.

McKenzie's friend Chloe climbed up the stairs to the slide when she feel & she took McKenzie with her. They both got up laughing. "I'll go first." McKenzie says. McKenzie made it to the top & slid down. She got up & watched Chloe slide down too. "That was so fast." Chloe says. The girls both went to the bounce house next.

The bounce house line was pretty long so Chloe & McKenzie started playing hand games. "Elevator one says stop. Elevator two says stop, Elevator thee says keep on going until your hands get hot." They sang. "Ouch, my hands hurt." Chloe says looking how red their hands were.

"We you come out of the bounce house, slide out on your stomach it's the easiest." A high schooler says. McKenzie nods.

In the bounce house McKenzie & Chloe we're jumping around with two other boys. A boy jump in front of McKenzie & made her jump high. She fell & so did Chloe. They got up laughing. "Alright, times up." The assistance says. When they were trying to get out Chloe jumped too high & dived over McKenzie everyone laughed.

"Mrs. Carr's class! Line up!" Her teacher yells. "We are going back to the classroom & the lunch ladies will bring you your food." She says.

McKenzie walked back to her class. It felt so good in the classroom back McKenzie was hot & sweaty.

In the room she seen someone brought her Chick-fil-a. "Lucky." Chloe says. Her dad stopped by the school & brought her lunch. McKenzie looked at the note he left. "I hope you are having fun, see you when you get home, I love you." It read.

Everyone ate their lunch & played board games. McKenzie & Chloe played checkers. "I'll be red." Chloe says. "It doesn't matter to me because checkers is Georgia colors." She says. Chloe won 4 times. "Maybe checkers isn't my game." McKenzie says.

"Class, one, two, eyes on me." Mrs. Carr says. "One, two, eyes on you." The class repeats.

"Field day is almost over. Sadly. When we leave for water sides, put your board games back on the shelves where you found them, & line up at the door. Don't worry about a change in clothes, we will change when we come back in." She explains. Everyone lined up at the door.

Outside McKenzie seen Jake & Tyler working the water slides. "Same rules at the slide in the gym, one at a time going down." Tyler says. "Don't get wet." Jake mumbles to McKenzie. McKenzie looks at home like, how am I not supposed to get wet.

McKenzie went up on the slide & came down in the pool of water. "That's cold." She says wiping the water out of her eyes.

Next Chloe & McKenzie went to the slip & slide & raced. McKenzie won even though McKenzie ran halfway because she couldn't figure out how to slide.

"Whom ever wants to have a water balloon fight follow me to the red bins." Jake says. Almost all the class ran to the red bins. "Okay, half on this side & half on that side." Jake says. "Everyone got a water balloon? Go!" Jake says. The class went at it. Jake had to back a few feet away to keep from getting wet.

"Okay! Times up. Go to Mrs. Carr!" Jake says at the class ran to Mrs. Carr soaking wet.

"McKenzie, you & Chloe can go change, dear." Mrs. Carr said.

After McKenzie changed she sat down at her desk, she was so tired.

Mrs. Carr put on a movie for the rest of the day, while everyone was getting changed.

When everyone got changed Mrs. Carr had an announcement. "Listen up! I just wanted to say how extremely proud I am of each & everyone of you. This was a hard year for many of you. You all fought through some tough times. I hope everyone enjoyed today because you've earned it. Now, I hope everyone has a great summer break & see you all next year as first graders! I love you forever & always!" She says. The bell rang & everyone left.

Jake, Tyler, & Dylan we're waiting on her in the parking lot.

"How was your day?" Jake asks as McKenzie got in & buckles up. "Really good, & super fun!" She says excited for summer.

McKenzie fell asleep on the way home. Jake got her out & carried her to her room.

"She played her little heart out." Jake tells his parents.

this chapter was long overdue & i'm sorry. i've been slacking lately. but, please vote & leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter! ❤️

the national championship game is on SEC Network right now!!

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