Commitment Day

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Today was a huge day for Jake he had to decide which college he was going to spend the next four years at.

It was Friday morning at the Fromm household. Everyone was running around trying to get everything they needed for Jake's commitment this afternoon.

"Bye, momma, I love you, see you at the library at 2pm." Jake yelled from his truck. "Bye baby, okay we will be there." She yelled back. Her & Emerson both took the day off to be with their son on his big day.

Lee went upstairs & got McKenzie ready. "Good morning happy girl." Lee said seeing McKenzie standing up in her crib just a smiling at her.

"Today is a big day for you big brother Jakey." Lee said taking McKenzie to her changing table to change her diaper & put her in a new outfit.

After Lee dressed McKenzie she carried her to the master bedroom & sat her on the bed. "You stay here while we get ready." Lee said turning on the tv to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as her & Emerson got ready.

"I'm so proud of Jake & all of his accomplishments over the past four years, he's going to do even bigger things in college." Lee told Emerson as she was doing her makeup. "I know, I'm so proud of him too, I'm proud of all three of our boys & our little princess." Emerson added.

Around lunchtime the whole family cake over, Lee's parents, Emerson's parents, cousins.

Lee went to the closest & got out Jake's present she's been "hiding" from him for awhile.

They all loaded up into two vehicles & headed to the school. McKenzie was asleep, it was a good thirty minute drive, Lee was hoping McKenzie would sleep.

They arrived at the school & headed to the library where the administrators had pictures of Jake everywhere from when he played baseball, football, even hunting & fishing his favorite pass time. Lee started to tear up. Her first baby was about to leave her soon.

two o'clock rolled around & the family was sitting at the signing table waiting on Jake, his brothers were already there. Few moments later Jake walked in with his high school football jersey on. Jake hugged his parents & brothers. McKenzie was sleeping in Emerson's arms so he kissed her cheek.

"I would like to welcome everyone to Houston County High School where this young man will be committing to the next four years of his life." The football coach as tearing up staring at Jake. "He's one of a kind, a God driven quarterback, fearless, not scared to take chances, he love for football is unlike any other that I've seen the past fifteen years I've been coaching here. His love for God is unlike any other, he doesn't push it on other people, he just prays for them or with them. He's been to state his senior year, he's been to the Little League World Series at the age of eleven. It's crazy how talented he is. He is well grounded, & that comes from two amazing parents whom have raised him. From the bottom of my heart, I will truly miss Jake. I still have his brothers, & his sister in fourteen years. Jake I love you, I wish nothing but the best for you in your future. & I promise I'll be at the first game you start in at college." The football coach said wiping his eyes.

"Without further a due, Jake Fromm will pick which college he will attend then next four years of his life."

"I will be going to The University of Georgia, Go Dawgs!" Jake said placing the cap on his head & everyone clapped woofing.

"It's been a dream of mine to go play for The University of Georgia every since I started playing football. I want to thank everyone who I've met over the past years of my life, & who have pushed me to be the man I am today, I hope I can make everyone single one of you proud. & a huge thank you to my momma for always being my #1 fan, & who is always at every game being the loud one there. I love you mom." Jake said leaning over hugging his mom.

Jake signed the papers for him to play football at Georgia.

After the ceremony Lee went home & cooked food. They were going to have a pool party will all the family & friends.

Jake & his friends were throwing the football around talking about his future. "So how do you feel about going to Athens?" Dylan asked. "I'm excited, can't wait to go & get after it."

"Y'all come eat!" Lee yelled.

Everyone got their plates & sat at the tables outsides.

"I'm excited for him, but I'm going to miss him dearly at home. I'm so use to him getting up at 6am & cooking breakfast for us. That was like our time to talk & catch up on life." Lee said to one of the moms.

"Yeah, it's definitely going to take some getting use to, he will be fine, he will do amazing, & I know he will call you & check up on you every chance he can, he's always been that way." She said.

Jake walked over & grabbed McKenzie. "I'm going to miss this little girl most of all." Jake said kissing her cheek & carrying her to the pool on his hip.

9:30pm came around. everyone went home. All the Fromm family showered & ready for bed. "Jake, how you feel? You leave next month." He's mom asked.

"I'm super excited, & ready to get to work, but I'm going to miss all of y'all. I'm going to miss momma's cooking, dad's pool business, Dylan's complaining, Tyler always asking to go fishing, & this little girl right here." Jake said looking down at McKenzie sleeping in his arms.

"We are going to miss you like crazy, but just know we are all very proud of you, & we love you so much, & you can count on us being at every game to cheer you on no matter are far away it may be." Emerson said.

"Thanks dad, love y'all too." Jake said.

"It's getting late, We need to head off to bed." Lee said yawning. "Jake say the prayer."

"Father, thank you for an amazing day with friends & family, thank you for letting me have all the opportunities in the world to commit to a college that I know will do anything to help me succeed in life. Thank you for an amazing family that will support me 100% no matter what. In Jesus name, Amen." "Amen."

"Good night boys love yall. Don't stay up too late." Lee said as her & Emerson headed off to bed.

Jake took McKenzie to her room & rocked her. He was thinking how different it would be not to be able to do this every night with her. It's one of his favorite things to do is to wine down with her & the end of every day. It sure was going to be different.

"Goodnight, Kenzie, I love you so much." Jake said laying McKenzie down in her crib.

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Thank y'all for being patient as it takes me a few days to write a chapter. ❤️

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