Sick Little Girl

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McKenzie is 6 months old.
Jake woke up at 3am to McKenzie screaming & crying in her crib. Jake got out of bed & walked to her room. It absolutely broke his heart to see his little sister cry. Jake picked her up & took her over to the rocking chair & rocked her for a little bit. Jake kissed her head & she was a little bit warm. McKenzie continues to cry. "Shh, I know baby, I know." Jake whispered to her rubbing her back.
Jake got up & sat McKenzie down on the changing table. McKenzie wasn't having it. "Baby girl, I need to make you a bottle, I'm not going anywhere I promise." Jake said trying to get McKenzie to sit down. McKenzie held on to Jake's finger. Jake let her while he was trying to make her a bottle with one hand. A few minutes later Jake had her bottle made. "Here you go." He said handing McKenzie her bottle. Jake carried her back to the rocking chair & laid her head on the crook of his elbow & fed her. A good 15 minutes later McKenzie was fast asleep. Jake fell asleep holding McKenzie.
8am Saturday morning.
Lee went to go get McKenzie & seen Jake holding her. "Hey mom." Jake said. "Hey." Lee asked confused. "Oh, she woke up in the middle of the night so I made her a bottle & slept with her." Jake said. Lee felt of McKenzie's head. "She feels a bit warm, I'm going to go get the thermometer." Lee left them & walked to her bathroom where Emerson was getting ready. "Everything okay?" Emerson asked as Lee dug through the drawers trying to find the thermometer. "I think McKenzie may have a little fever, Jake said she woke up screaming in the middle of the night so he went in there with her & stayed with her." Lee said leaving.
In McKenzie's room. Jake undressed her & laid her on the changing table. Lee stuck the thermometer under her arm & waited for it to beep. Couple minutes later it beeped. "101.1." Lee said sighing. "Poor baby, going to be a lazy Saturday for sure." Lee said changing her diaper & just leaving her in a diaper to see if it would help McKenzie's fever to go down. Lee picked McKenzie up & carried her to the living room where she laid with her.
Tyler, Jake. Dylan had to leave for football practice & Emerson got called into work. So Lee was with sick little McKenzie all alone for a few hours. Lee tried to give her a bottle but she wouldn't take it, tried putting a little bit of banana is a sucker paci. She stills didn't want it. "Baby girl, I know you don't feel good but you still need to eat." Lee said holding McKenzie. Lee sat McKenzie down on the floor & let her play for a little bit. About 20 minutes later McKenzie started throwing up. Lee came running down stairs where she was folding clothes. "Oh, baby." Lee said picking the now sick all over her & crying McKenzie. Lee held McKenzie close not caring if she got vomit all over her. "Shh, shh, baby girl, you're okay. I'm going to go rub you a bath." Lee said caring McKenzie to the bathroom & ran water, & started to undress her.
Lee sat her down in the luke warm water & started to clean McKenzie.
"Mom, were home." Dylan said coming through the front door. No answer. "Momma!" Jake yelled. "I'm in the bathroom with McKenzie!" She yelled. Lee got McKenzie out of the tub & dried her off & put a new diaper on her. "Squeaky clean." Lee said picking McKenzie up & she smiled a little. Lee walked down stairs with McKenzie wrapped up in a blanket. "Guys, McKenzie just got sick not too long ago, so y'all are going to have to be gentle with her." Lee said. McKenzie reached out towards Jake. "Ugh, why does she have favorites? Like it's not fair." Dylan said complaining. "Dylan, I'm not in the mood to hear it." Lee said cleaning up where McKenzie got sick. Jake laid on the couch with McKenzie & rubbed her stomach slowly not making her feel sick. "I can't get her to eat or drink anything, the last thing I want to do is take her to the hospital & her be dehydrated." Lee said looking & McKenzie & Jake. Jake nodded in agreement. He's been through dehydration himself & it's definitely not fun. Especially for a baby.
They boys & Lee have been fighting McKenzie all day to eat or drink something. She was not having it. Jake went to the kitchen & sat McKenzie on the counter. Dylan started me saying with her toes trying to get her to smile. She did giggle a lot. That should be a good sign. Jake looked in the refrigerator for some juice boxes. Jake got one out & put the straw through. "Here baby, you don't have to drink it all just drink a little bit." Jake said holding the box & straw at McKenzie lips. She latched on & started drinking some juice. "There you go." Dylan said rubbing her back. Lee was very grateful that the boys got McKenzie to drink something.
At dinner time McKenzie was fast asleep on the couch while everyone was eating. "How's McKenzie doing?" Emerson asked. "Sorry I had to leave you with her being sick." "She's getting better, better than she was this morning, I think she just got a little virus." Lee said.
After they ate. They all got ready for bed. Jake got McKenzie ready for bed. Jake dressed her in her pink & purple pjs. "You are so cute." Jake said. McKenzie was super tired after being sick all day. Jake laid her down in her crib & kissed her cheek. "Good night munchkin, I love you." Jake said turning the light off & headed to bed himself.

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