Sick on the First Day

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"McKenzie." Lee says softly turning on her light. "You need to wake up, darling. You've got a big day today." Lee says picking out a dress for McKenzie first day of Kindergarten.

"I don't feel good." McKenzie says face inside her blanket & holding her stomach.

"Sit up." Lee says as McKenzie sat up she felt of her head. "You don't have a fever. Maybe just nerves." She says dressing McKenzie in a sunflower dress.

"Come down in a few minutes, Jake has breakfast ready." Lee says leaving McKenzie's room.

Today was the first day of Jake's senior year & the twin's first day of sophomore year.

"McKenzie coming down?" Emerson asks Lee. Lee nods. "She's just getting ready, she saying she doesn't feel good, I think it's just nerves." Lee says hugging her husband as he heads off to work.

Soon McKenzie comes downstairs. "You need to eat something princess." Jake says handing McKenzie her plate. "I'm not hungry." McKenzie says holding her stomach.

"If you get hungry while waiting at school go to the cafeteria they have free breakfast." Lee tells McKenzie. McKenzie just nods.

At school all 3 of the boys walk McKenzie to her class.

"I want to go home, I don't feel good." McKenzie says crying.

Jake picks McKenzie up. Dylan wipes her tears. "Baby, you're going to have so much fun." Jake tells McKenzie.

"But, I don't feel good. I want to go home." She says hugging Jake. "We will come back & get you after school." Jake says kissing her cheek.

Mrs. Amanda walks to them. She smiles at the boys.

"Hey darling, we're going to have so much fun today. Would you like to come join the rest of the class in finger painting?" She asks placing a hand on McKenzie's back.

"Promise you'll come back & get me?" McKenzie says holding out her pinky for a pinky promise. "I promise Kenz." Jake says wrapping his picky around her's. Jake sets McKenzie down on the ground & the boys kiss her & tells her they love her & they head off to class.

McKenzie was coloring when she felt like she was about to be sick, she raised her hand for Mrs. Amanda.

"I'll be right there, McKenzie." She says helping another student.

"May I go to the nurse?" McKenzie asks covering her mouth. Mrs. Amanda took notice.

She handed McKenzie a trash can, & called for another teacher to watch her class.

"Come with me, honey." Mrs. Amanda says taking McKenzie's hand & walking her to the nurse's office.

McKenzie stops halfway there & she threw up into the trash can.

"Aw, darling, you aren't feeling good." Mrs. Amanda says rubbing her back.

They make it to the nurse's office. "McKenzie just got sick a few minutes ago & I was wondering could you call her parents, she isn't doing well." Mrs. Amanda explains to the nurse.

"Take a seat sweetie, I'm going to take your temperature." The nurse says running a thermometer across McKenzie's head.

"100.4, you definitely are sick. Can I get you anything to drink, maybe some water?" The nurse asks holding McKenzie's hand. McKenzie shook her head. "Okay, I'm going to call your mom, if you need the bathroom it's right there." The nurse says calling up Lee.

"Hello." Lee answers.

"Hello, Mrs. Fromm, I've got little McKenzie here in the nurse's office with me, & she isn't feeling good, she has a fever of 100.4 & threw up a little before she came in here. I was just wondering if there's anyway you could come get her?" The nurse explains.

"Yes, I'll be on my way in a few minutes." Lee says going to tell her boss she has to leave.

"Alrighty, thank you." The nurse says hanging up the phone.

"Your mom is on the way to get you." The nurse says looking at a sleeping McKenzie.

Within minutes Lee was at the school she walked to the nurse's office & seen her daughter laying there asleep.

"Hey, you are good to go, I've done signed her out for you." The nurse says to Lee. "Thank you."

"Come on baby girl, let's go home." Lee says helping McKenzie to the car.

"I'm so sorry baby girl, Mama should have listened to you this morning." Lee says buckling McKenzie into her car seat.

Lee called Emerson when she got on the road & to him that McKenzie was sick. & she called Jake & left him a voicemail to not go pick up McKenzie after school.

"Do you need a bag baby?" Lee asks McKenzie. McKenzie shakes her head & tries to go to sleep.

Few minutes later she was throwing up again, it was all over the front of her & in the car floor. McKenzie cried.

"It's okay, baby, Mama knows you don't feel good." Lee says feeling for her baby.

"Daddyyyy." McKenzie cries out for Emerson. Lee knew McKenzie definitely had to be sick to call out for her dad.

"Daddy is at work Kenzie, he'll be home later today." Lee says pulling into the drive way & getting McKenzie out of the car.

"Let's go give you a bath & I'll come clean the car later." Lee says taking McKenzie to the master bathroom. McKenzie was still upset.

Lee ran McKenzie a bath & washed her hair & body. She put McKenzie in pajamas because she was sick.

Lee took McKenzie to the couch. "I'm going to go make you a smoothie, maybe you can tolerate it." Lee says turning the tv to Spongebob.

Lee made McKenzie a banana smoothie.

"Here you go, baby." Lee says handing McKenzie the smoothie. Lee decides to lay with McKenzie. McKenzie cuddles up next to Lee & within minutes she was out. Lee took the smoothie away from McKenzie she may have drank 3 or 4 swigs of it.

Lee took this opportunity to take a nap as well.

2 hours later the boys came home & seen McKenzie & Lee asleep on the couch.

They tried to be as quiet as possible, but it didn't last.

Lee got up off the couch. "Is she okay?" Dylan asks. "She hasn't gotten sick in a couple of hours, hopefully she's better." Lee says.

Dylan went to go lay with McKenzie. "I love you Dylan." McKenzie says. "I love you too Munchkin." Dylan says kissing the top of her head.

Lee cooked supper, & soon after Emerson came home. Lee hugged him. "Someone wanted you today, she's still has a small fever." Lee yells Emerson.

Emerson picks McKenzie up. "Daddy." She says sleepily. "I'm right here my princess, daddy is here." Emerson says swaying side to side with McKenzie in his arms.

"Do you feel like eating? Maybe some toast?" Emerson asks her. McKenzie shook her head.

Emerson sat McKenzie down at the table next to Tyler. "What did you do at school?" Tyler asks. "I finger painted until I got sick." She says rubbing her eyes because she was tired.

"Jake, when you get done eating, will you go lay down with her?" Lee says going out to clean her car. Jake nods.

After they ate Jake laid McKenzie in his bed. Within minutes they were both out like a light.

McKenzie felt better the next day.

Sorry for not updating. I know this isn't the one i planned on doing. but the jealousy chapter has got me stuck! so i decided to write this one because i really needed to update! please vote & leave suggestions in the comments or dm me suggestions! ❤️

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