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Lee just picked McKenzie up from school. She had the radio on & they were speaking of storms later on in the night.

"Babygirl, we're going to the grocery store right now to get a few things." Lee says looking in the rear view mirror at McKenzie playing on her mom's phone.

"Okay, booger give me the phone." Lee says taking McKenzie out of her car seat & standing her on the ground.

"Which car do you want?" Lee asks her daughter looking at the buggy cars.

"Red." McKenzie answers.

Lee picks up McKenzie & places her in the red car. "You better be good in here, if you are I'll buy you a treat." Lee says pushing her daughter into the store.

Lee needed to get things to make for dinner tonight. She was making Taco Soup.

About halfway through shopping McKenzie was done. She wanted to go home. She was throwing a fit.

"Kenzie, Mama is almost done." Lee says looking for taco shells. McKenzie just continues to cry.

"I know, baby, we are almost done." Lee says going to check out. There was another lady in front of her. Lee hugged McKenzie & rubbed her back. "I know princess, I don't like grocery shopping either."

"Aw." The lady says with a pout. Lee smiled.

"Mommy." McKenzie sobs. "Shhh." Lee shushes trying to calm McKenzie down.

Lee picked up some M&Ms for McKenzie. & she check out. "Thank you." Lee says to the cashier taking her receipt.

"We're going home baby. Are you tired? Is that all?" Lee says putty her groceries in the car & buckling McKenzie in her car seat.

McKenzie fell asleep on the way home.

Lee pulls into the driveway & seen that all her boy's trucks were there.

Lee walked to the front door & yelled. "Boys come to the car, I need help getting groceries out."

All 3 boys came down & helped get groceries out. Lee had a bunch. Feed a family of six takes a lot of food.

"Mama, what are we having for dinner?" Dylan asks.

"Taco Soup, something quick & simple." Lee says getting everything ready for the soup.

Jake goes to the car & grabs McKenzie out of her car seat.

"Someone had a fit in the grocery store." Lee says rubbing McKenzie's back as Jake held her. She was still asleep on his shoulder.

"I'm going to go lay her down." Jake says taking his sister up to her room.

Few minutes later Emerson walls through the door.

"Hey, I smell soup." Emerson says hugging his wife.

"Yeah, got some cooking now." Lee says pointing to the crockpot.

"They are speaking of some pretty bad storms tonight, if we have to we will go to the basement." Emerson says stirring the soup.

"Maybe it won't get too bad here." Lee says checking the radar on her phone. So far just rain.

"Someone go wake Kenzie up, it's time to eat." Lee says putting the crockpot on the table.

Tyler goes up stairs to McKenzie's room & wakes her up.

"Kenzie." Tyler says sitting on the edge of her bed, rubbing her back.

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