Family Vacation

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Night before, everyone took showers & were sitting in the living room talking about the plan for tomorrow. After a good 30 minute talk they all understood the plan for tomorrow driving to Panama City Beach.

"Caroline, you can sleep in my room with me." McKenzie says grabbing onto her hand.

Jake laughed. "Not happening short stuff, she's sleeping with me." Jake says grabbing a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

"Not far." McKenzie says crossing her arms & pouting playfully. "Can I sleep with y'all?" McKenzie asks looking a Jake with puppy eyes.

Jake thought about it. "Only if you stay on your side of the bed." Jake says. "You know I sleep in the middle." McKenzie says sassily. "I don't care, Kenz, we need to get in bed." Jake says going up the stairs. McKenzie was excited to sleep with Caroline & Jake.

Lee walks upstairs few minutes later & makes sure everyone is in bed. She went to the twin's room first.

"Y'all don't stay up past midnight please, we have a lot of traveling to do tomorrow & y'all need to be well rested." Lee says kissing both of their heads. "Goodnight love y'all." Lee says closing the door.

Then she walks to Jake's room. McKenzie had Disney + on tv in between Caroline & Jake. "Y'all don't stay up too late, love y'all." Lee says peeping her head through the door. "Night, Mama, Love you too." Jake says.

McKenzie talked about how excited she was to go to the beach until 11pm.

"Kenz." Jake says smiling, Caroline smiles too. "I know you're excited, but you need to go to sleep so you won't be tired in the morning." Jake tells his sister turning the tv off. "Goodnight Kenz, I love you." Jake says kissing her cheek. "Good night, Caroline, I love you." Jake says leaning over McKenzie & kissing Caroline. "Ew. Y'all nasty." McKenzie says sticking her tongue out. Jake just laughs & turns the light out.

"Kenz, Wake up baby." Jake says softly rubbing her back. "We're leaving for the beach today."

McKenzie was so tired. She sat up & yawned & stretched.

"Breakfast is cooked in the kitchen. We leave less than an hour." Jake says picking up McKenzie & setting her on the floor.

McKenzie ran downstairs. She was so excited that it was beach day.

"Slow down there, Kenzie." Emerson says as McKenzie almost runs into him.

Emerson was loading the car & everyone's luggage's as Lee carried them down the stairs.

McKenzie sat on a barstool & ate her breakfast.

"Ready to go to the beach?" Caroline asks doing McKenzie's hair into a messy bun. McKenzie nods eating a pop tart. The others have already ate.

"We need to get on the road." Lee says grabbing the last few things.

After McKenzie ate her pop tart. They all loaded up. Jake, Caroline, & McKenzie road together, while Lee, Emerson, Tyler, & Dylan road in the family vehicle.

It's going to be a long 6-7 hour drive.

About an hour in. McKenzie was asleep & so was Caroline. Jake just continues to drive.

"Jake, we're going to stop at the gas station to your right." Emerson says on the phone.

Jake pulls into the gas station. "Will you get Kenz out & take her to the bathroom?" Jake asks Caroline. Caroline nods.

Jake fills up on gas.

"Kenzie, baby." Caroline says unbuckling McKenzie from her car seat. McKenzie slowly wakes up. "Are we're here?" McKenzie asks. "No, not yet." Caroline says carrying McKenzie into the gas station.

Caroline helps McKenzie use the bathroom then they went back to the truck. & they were back on the road for the second held of the drive.

3 hours later they arrived at the beach. "See the water Kenz?" Jake asks pointing to the water off the road.

They pull up to the hotel. "Okay, everyone help unload everything." Lee says. Emerson went to go grab a cart to put all their luggage on. They had 3 in total. "Thought we were only staying for a few days." Dylan asks looking at the carts. "Yeah, me too." Jake says laughing.

Emerson checks everyone in. "Let's head up to the room guys." Emerson says. "It's going to take a whole elevator just for our luggages." Lee says as a staff member helps them with the luggage.

Their rooms were on the top floor. "This is nice dude." Dylan says talking about Jake & Caroline's room. Tyler just plops onto the bed. "Hey, unpack before y'all get too comfortable." Lee says.

Tyler & Dylan had their own room, Jake & Caroline had their own, & McKenzie was sleeping with her parents in their room on the couch that folded into a bed.

Before long they we all pack & ready to go to the beach.

Dylan ran to the water while everyone else sat up the umbrella. & McKenzie & Caroline made sandcastles. McKenzie's favorite part was destroying the sandcastle.

Tyler, Emerson, & Jake played corn hole. & of course the brought a football to get a little practice in.

Lee sat under the umbrella & just watched her family.

Dylan & McKenzie walked to the water. "Look Kenzie, dolphins." Dylan says picking his sister up so she could see the dolphins better.

"Guys, come on, we're going to go eat." Emerson yells. Everyone grabs & towel & gets dried off. & head back to the hotel to change clothes.

"Ready?" Lee asks McKenzie in the hotel room. McKenzie smiles & nods.

They all decided to eat at Pineapple Willy's.

Everyone ordered either a burger or a hotdog.

"Kenz, you got ketchup all over your face." Jake says taking a napkin & wiping her face. "Sorry, it's just so good." McKenzie says laughing.

"I agree." Tyler says eating a french fry.

After they ate, it was getting dark, & everyone was tired after a full day of traveling, so they all head back to the hotel & took showers & head to bed. They have a fun few days ahead of them, & they can't wait for it.

I'm sorry this one took so long, i've been busy with school, & i was out of internet for a few days. ): but on a happier note Georgia Football returns this Saturday & i can NOT wait!! Go Dawgs! ❤️ Please, vote & leave suggestions in the comments or DM me suggestions! (:

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