Scary Night

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McKenzie will be 3 years old•

"You are going to have so much fun with your brothers." Lee says getting ready with her date with Emerson. McKenzie was watching TV on her mom's phone.

"Caroline be here?" She asks. Lee nods. "Jake is going to go get her now."

After Jake got back with Caroline, Emerson & Lee left.

"What do you want to do?" Jake asks McKenzie. McKenzie shrugged now watching Youtube on Dylan's phone.

Jake fixed McKenzie some pasta to eat. She sat at the table & ate while watching youtube. Jake & Caroline done some school work at the other end of the table & Tyler & Dylan played the PS5.

After McKenzie ate they all agreed to watch a movie, McKenzie got to pick of course, she picked UP.

"Hey, Kenz before the movie starts I want to give you a super quick bath." Jake says poping popcorn & opening a bag of M&Ms.

"No." McKenzie says as Dylan took his phone back. "Yesss." Dylan says picking her up carrying her to the master bathroom where Jake was waiting on her.

"See it wasn't that long." Jake says drying her off & putting pajamas on her.

After Jake is finished with McKenzie she runs to the living room & cuddles up next to Dylan.

After the movie was over Dylan & Tyler went to their room & Caroline, Jake, & McKenzie went to Jake's room.

McKenzie walked up the stairs & tripped a little. "You okay, Kenzie?" Caroline asks. McKenzie nods. Caroline didn't think much of it just thought McKenzie missed a step.

All 3 got into Jake's bed & talked about football & the future for Jake.

McKenzie started to breathe a little heavy. "You okay?" Jake asks. McKenzie didn't say anything. "Sit up." Jake says helping her sit up & try to control her breathing. Within minutes McKenzie threw up. Jake was so confused because he didn't know what could have caused her to get sick, she's been fine all day. "Car, go get a towel from my bathroom." Jake says Caroline hurries to get a towel.

Jake places the towel under McKenzie's mouth. She threw up in the towel again. The pasta she ate for supper was coming up. "What in the world." Jake mumbles.

"Kenz, do you feel like going to the bathroom?" Jake asks. McKenzie nods.

Caroline helps guide McKenzie to the bathroom while Jake strips the bed.

Caroline helps McKenzie take her pajamas off. Seconds later McKenzie falls to the floor. Caroline looked at her worried, this is very unusual for McKenzie to stumble around like she was doing.

"Jake!" Caroline calls him over.

McKenzie was just starting off.

"Kenz, can you hear me." Jake says wiggling her arm. McKenzie didn't respond she was in a daze.

Jake was definitely getting worried & was freakin out a little on the inside. He thought maybe she would snap out of it, but she didn't.

"Put her one her side, I'm going to call 911." Jake says as McKenzie starts to shake a little.

All the commotion causes Tyler & Dylan to come to Jake's room. All the seen was McKenzie laying on the floor shaking & Jake on the phone.

Jake got off the phone. "Tyler or Dylan, go meet the paramedics outside." Jake says. Caroline brushes McKenzie's hair trying to get her to come to. "She turning blue." Caroline says. "She's having a seizure." Jake whispers. This wasn't her typical seizure, yes, she has had them in the past, but with fevers & warnings, but this time she didn't.

Caroline kept talking to McKenzie & brushing her hair. Few seconds later she came to. "Hey darling." Caroline says. McKenzie starts to cry. Caroline picks her up & hands her to Jake. "I know, I know, its okay." Jake coos rubbing her back.

"She right up the stairs." Dylan says going up the stairs to McKenzie, Tyler is right behind him.

"She's fine now." Jake says. The paramedics examine her. "How long was she out?" He asks. Jake looks at Caroline. "A good 5 minutes." She says. A sheriff walks up to them.

"Give her some tylenol. If it happens again, give us a call." He says. Jake nods. "Feel better soon." He tells McKenzie.

McKenzie was still crying. After the paramedics left Jake gave McKenzie another bath.

"Shhh, it's okay princess." Jake whispers to McKenzie as he washes her body.

Jake dries her off again & puts some more pajamas on her & lays her down in his bed, soon she is out like a light.

Dylan & Tyler hung around until she was asleep just so they knew she was okay.

2 hours later Lee & Emerson came home.

"How is she?" Lee asks Jake. The smell of vomit hit her when she walked through Jake's door.

"She's better." He says looking down at McKenzie peaceful sleeping.

"Kenz." Jake whispers. "Do you want to go sleep with mama?" He asks. McKenzie rolls over towards Jake. Lee smiles. "Goodnight, love you, if you need us call us." Lee says leaving.

The next morning McKenzie was back to her hyper self again.

Ik i've done a chapter like this before, but yesterday i experienced this first hand, for the very first time yesterday with my 3 year old cousin. She's fine now. & i wanted to update too. so please vote & leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter! ❤️

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