Senior Night

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Jake was in the locker room getting ready for his last football game of high school. He couldn't believe that this was his last game at Houston County High School. He just flashed back all the memories he had on the football field.

"Okay, Jake your next, bring your brothers with you." The coach said. It was Jake's turn to walk the field with his parents & brothers.

Jake stood there between his parents & brother on either side. McKenzie was in the stands with Lee's mom.

As they walked out onto the field the announcer came over & said. "William Jacob Fromm, Jake Fromm is the quarterback & is walking beside his mother Lee & his father Emerson, & his two younger brothers Tyler & Dylan. Jake will continue his football career at The University of Georgia where he will be studying Business & Finance."

Lee & Emerson walked back to the stands as Jake & his brother went back to the locker room.

"Alright guys, this is the last ride, this team has went to hell & back this season & I am proud of each & everyone of you. Let's go out & win this last on for the seniors!" The coach yelled.

Jake went out & threw & completed every one of his passes. His team won 45-7. When the clock hit zero that's when Jake lost it. It's over. His high school football career is over.

Jake ran over to his coach & hugged him. "I'm so proud of you." Coach said crying. "Thank you, never thought it would end." Jake said crying. "I love you kid." "Love you too coach."

Jake took his helmet off & just took it all in one last time. All he could think about was it's over.

His brother's came over to him & hugged too. "We love you bro, bigger things ahead of you." Dylan said. "I love you boys, wouldn't want to play for anyone else." Jake said as they walked to their parents.

"We are so proud of you Jake." Lee said starting to hug him. "We are proud of y'all too." Lee said talking about Tyler & Dylan. "I can't believe it's over." Jake said. "Aw, sweetheart, I know." Lee said tearing up too. "This will always be home." Jake said. "Yes, it will." Emerson agreed.

After Jake changed he walked to his truck. "Jakey." McKenzie said has he got in the truck. Jake smiled. "She wanted to ride with you." Lee said yelling out of the window. Jake nodded.

Jake reaches back & held McKenzie's hand. "You make me so happy." Jake told McKenzie. "I love you." "I wuv you." McKenzie babbled. Jake smiled.

Jake pulled into the driveway at home. McKenzie was still holding on to his hand. He just looked at her sleeping so peacefully. Jake let go of her hand & got out of the truck & walked around to get her out.

McKenzie laid her head of Jake's shoulder. Jake walked into the house & went to his room & laid McKenzie on his bed as her went to go take a shower.

After Jake's shower he gave McKenzie a bath. He poured bubbles in the bath. Jake took her clothes off & sat her down in the tub. Jake scrub her & washed her hair. He blew bubbles out of his hands & McKenzie laughed. McKenzie gabbed some bubbles & rubbed it on Jake's chin. Jake smiled. "Are you giving me a beard?" Jake asked. McKenzie laughed.

After they played with bubbles for a little bit. Jake dried McKenzie off & wrapped her in a towel & carried her to her nursery. He put a diaper on her & come pajamas. Jake grabbed a book & started reading to her. McKenzie just likes to turn the page while Jake was reading. "Hey, I'm trying to read to you." Jake said. McKenzie looked up & laughed at him. Jake poked at her stomach. She squealed.

"Shhh." Jake said putting his finger to his mouth. & McKenzie did the same. "You're not suppose to be up this late." Jake said because he wanted to spend some time with her. His time is limited because he leaves for college in 2 weeks.

"Wanna walk?" Jake asked moving McKenzie to the floor. Jake stood McKenzie up holding on to her hands as she put one foot in front of the other. "Won't be long until you'll be walking." Jake said. Jake let go of Mckenzie's hands & she stood up. "Come here, I know you can do it." Jake said trying to get McKenzie to walk on her own. "Come here." Jake said in a baby voice.

McKenzie slowly put one foot in front of the other & started walking to Jake. She fell on her hands. "Oh, stand up, you got it." Jake said encouraging her. She took a few more steps the she fell into Jake's arms. "You did it!" Jake said kissing McKenzie's cheek. McKenzie tried to put her finger in Jake's mouth & Jake pretended he was going to eat it. McKenzie snatched her finger away & laughed.

Jake looked at the time it was 10pm. "I hope momma doesn't kill me in the morning for letting you stay up." Jake said looking at McKenzie he sure was going to miss we so so much when he goes to Georgia.

Jake could tell McKenzie was getting sleepy she started to rub her eye with the back of her tiny hand. "Is the princess getting sleepy?" Jake asked as she let out a big yawn. "Let's get this princess to bed." Jake said laying McKenzie down in her crib. "Good night, sweet baby girl, I love you." Jake said leaving the room.

Sorry if this one is super short. I really wanted to update. (: I may skip a head a lot in McKenzie's age because I have some really cute ideas to write about! ❤️ Please Vote ❤️

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