New Normal?

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•Ages will be the same as the last chapter•

The next morning Emerson & Lee woke up ready to go meet Brock & Brianna. Everyone was excited too!

"I'm so excited to get this new journey started!" Lee says getting into the car.

At Coach Smart's office the whole family was waiting for Brock & his sister.

"Your new family is in here." Coach Smart says. Brock's face lit up when he found out Jake's family was going to foster him.

"Now, I trust them with y'all, they will make sure you are apart of their family." He says.

Brock & Brianna shook the Fromm's hands.

"If y'all have any questions let me know." Coach Smart says as they left.

"We are going to Warner Robins right now & show y'all around." Jake says to Brock. Brock rode with Jake, & Brianna rode with the rest of the family.

"So, Brianna, tell us about yourself if you want to." Dylan says.

"Dylan stop flirting." McKenzie says laughing. "I'm not flirting." He snaps.

"Well, I'm 16 years old & I play softball. That's pretty much it." Brianna explains.

"Do you like fishing or hunting?" Tyler asks.

Brianna shakes her head. "Never did either of them."

"Fishing is so much fun! We have a family competition every time we go fishing, like who catches the most or who catches the biggest." McKenzie says.

"Never, go by a scale, it's always wrong." Dylan says.

"Yeah, whatever." Emerson laughs. "Y'all just get too competitive."

"Brianna, this is our home." Lee says as they pull into the driveway. "Wow, it's beautiful." She says excitedly.

"Follow me, you will be sharing a room with me." McKenzie says going upstairs.

Jake showed Brock where he would be staying. "You even have your own bathroom." Jake laughs.

"Jake, I can't thank your family enough for taking me & my sister in on such a short notice." Brock says. "If y'all didn't I wouldn't know where we would be."

"It's no problem." Jake says. "Want to go outside? Dad is supposed to be cooking pork chops tonight." Jake says walking outside.

"Your room is huge!" Brianna says. "You do cheer?" She asks looking at McKenzie award's & pictures. "How long have you been cheering?" She asks. "I'm, about 14 years. Cheer is my life." McKenzie says showing Brianna her newest Worlds metal.

"Wow, you play softball too?" McKenzie nods. "I'm not invested in softball like I am cheer." "Are you going to cheer in college?" "Probably, I really want to, definitely want to go to Georgia." McKenzie laughs. "Duh." Brianna jokes.

"I play softball too, but I'm not as talented as you are." Brianna says. "No such thing. You are very talented." McKenzie says.

"How can you live with 3 brothers? Brock is enough for me." She laughs. McKenzie shrugs. "I love my brothers, & they love me." She says.

"McKenzie supper!" Lee yells. McKenzie & Brianna walked downstairs.

"Eat up, There is plenty for everyone." Lee says. Jake says the blessing & they dug in.

"Brianna, we have to go enroll you into the high school tonight, as far as I know you have the same schedule as Kenzie." Lee explains. Brianna nods.

"That pool is huge!" Brock says looking out the window. "Mama loves her pool." Tyler laughs.

After everyone got done eating. Lee, Emerson, & McKenzie went to the high school to enroll Brianna.

The principal gave Brianna her schedule. After McKenzie showed her around & all her classes.

"At the end of the day, usually Jake will take us home." McKenzie says.

At home everyone sat around in the living room.

"Well, what a day, we are so grateful to have y'all here with us." Emerson says.

"Thank you for taking us in." Brock says.

"Jake, will you say the nightly prayer, & then we can head off to bed. I think everyone is tired." Lee says.

"Before we do that there is one thing I need to tell y'all." Brock says looking at his sister.

"I need surgery on my shoulder, I messed it up like 6 months ago, & I've been putting it off because I didn't know where I would be, or if it's even worth repairing." Brock explains.

"Brock, anytime you have something serious like that you need to tell us, we will help you get the care you need. I know it's been scary for you for a long time, but your health is important, especially in this house, we put our health before anything." Emerson explains.

"I know a surgeon that I work with, we can talk to him & see what he thinks." Lee explains. Brock nods. "I just don't want to put my football career in jeopardy." He explains.

"& you won't, you did the right thing telling us." Emerson says.

Jake says the nightly prayer & prayed for Brock & his sister. Soon they all head to bed.

"If you need anyone come get us." Jake tells Brock. "Thanks." He says covering up. "Night." Jake says.

Emerson & Lee went to McKenzie's room. They could here them talking & laughing. "Knock, knock." Emerson says. "Come in." McKenzie says.

"Go to sleep, don't stay up laughing." Emerson jokes.

"Brianna, if you need us, come get us we are just down the hall." Lee says. "Thank you." Brianna says.

"If you need to tell McKenzie to shut up, you are more than welcome to, she will hopefully, eventually, get the idea." Emerson says. "Hey." McKenzie laughs.

"Goodnight." Lee says. "Night." They both say.

"I can't believe McKenzie clicked so fast with Brianna." Lee says getting into bed. "She a social butterfly, never met a stranger." Emerson says. "Ain't that the truth." Lee laughs.

"I'll talk to the surgeon tomorrow & see what he can do for Brock. There's no telling how long his shoulder has been hurt." Lee says. "Yeah, we will get it taken care of." He says.

"Goodnight." Lee says turning the lamp off.

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