Panic Attack

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McKenzie will be 15•

"Bye Kenzie, have a great practice." Lee says dropping McKenzie off at the gym.

McKenzie heads over to where the team is & starts stretching & warming up. It's Worlds month so the pressure is on.

"Okay, ladies, this is the last night that we can fix any mistakes, & better our routine, if you don't give me a 110% then just leave & I'll find someone who wants to go to Worlds & win." The coach says as the girls stretch.

Few moments later the done their first full out. "It's okay, shake it off. Let's go again." He says.

Every full out McKenzie done she would fall out of her stunt & bust on her tumbling. She was getting really frustrated with herself.

"I can't do it." McKenzie says to a girl next to her. "You got this Kenzie." She says because everyone knows McKenzie is the best tumbler on the team. McKenzie shakes her head, no. "I don't feel good." McKenzie says putting her hands on her head.

McKenzie goes & sits down for a few seconds. She starts to breathe heavily. "Coach, there's something wrong with McKenzie." One of the girls run to the coach. He stops practice & heads to McKenzie.

"Are you okay McKenzie? What's wrong?" He asks seeing her breathe heavily still. "Go get a bottle of water." He tells another coach. "Calm down, breathe in & out." He says breathing with McKenzie.

The other coach brings back a water. "Team Mom is calling her parents." He says. McKenzie was still breathing heavily then she became unresponsive, not able to talk. "Go call an ambulance." He says.

"McKenzie calm down, it's okay." The coach says still talking to her. Few minutes later Tyler & Dylan came in. Dylan ran to her. Dylan grabs her hands. "It's okay princess, just breathe." Dylan says as McKenzie cries.

"Listen Kenzie, We know how hard you work & everything, cheer will never be more important than your health." Tyler explains. McKenzie is as stubborn as Jake is with her sports.

"She's having a panic attack." The coach tells Emerson as he runs to her. "Breathe Kenzie." Emerson says hugging her. "It's all okay." He says.

With Worlds coming up, the last competition of the season. McKenzie wants to be the best there, she always want to win, but she doesn't always put her health first.

Jake was the last to come. He hugs McKenzie she was calmed down by then. "It's okay." Jake says. "McKenzie, go home & rest, don't worry about the team." Coach says worried about her.

McKenzie nods getting into Jake's truck.

"You are just like me." Jake says driving home. "I don't want to let the team down, I was just about to do my tumbling pass & then I couldn't." McKenzie explains. "You are not letting anyone down, ever." Jake says. "If you know you can't do it, don't, don't stress about it." Jake says. "Better said than done, I know." Jake laughs.

They eventually arrived home. McKenzie goes & takes a shower.

"I hope she's okay." Dylan says worried. "She's fine Dyl." Jake says. "She's just stubborn like me, wants to be the best at everything."

"That's amazing & all that y'all are like that, but she needs to know when she is over doing it, sure, it's hard to confess that, but she need to learn so nothing like this happens again." Emerson says. Jake nods.

After McKenzie's shower she gets into bed & reads her Bible. Jake walks up to her room & sits down on the bed.

"You know what I'm going to tell you." Jake says. McKenzie nods taking a deep breath. "Cheer will always be here, but you won't, your health is more important than anything." Jake says. McKenzie nods. "Well, I'm going to bed, I won't bore you with everything we've done told you." Jake says getting up to hug McKenzie. "Good night I Love You, If you need me during the night, come get me." Jake says. McKenzie nods. "Good night I love you too." She says back.

Just something to post. please vote & leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter. ❤️

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