Peach Bowl

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•ik Jake & Brock didn't play on the same team, but y'all get the idea•
•& no, this isn't technically based off of the recent peach bowl•

"Y'all have a great game, we love you both." Lee says as Brock & Jake went back to the locker room.

Brock was extremely nervous about Ohio, he knew it was going to be a dog fight the whole game.

"You good man?" Ladd McConkey ask sitting at his locker next to Brock. Brock nods. "Yeah." Ladd looked at him, he knew something was off, but he didn't want to make it worse on Brock.

"No one should be nervous, we are going to go out there & show them we deserve to be at the national championship. No one has worked harder than the men in this room all season long. I love each & every one of y'all." Coach Smart says as the players started running out of the tunnel.

The Fromm's stood up & clapped for their bulldogs. "Let's go guys!" Lee yells.

"Have a day." Jake says patting Brock's shoulder. Brock nods.

First half went pretty well, Georgia was up by a touchdown.

"Brock, I'm going to need you to go in after the punt return." Coach Smart says.

Brock went out & Jake threw the ball to him, h he got about 5 yards.

"Dude, what's up with Brock? He's not getting yards like he should." Dylan asks Tyler. Tyler shrugs. "Maybe he just needs to get warmed up." "Yeah, probably."

Brock went over to the beach & he look flushed. "You okay bro?" Darnell Washington asks. Brock nods not wanting his team to worry about him, because they have a bigger problem at the moment. Beating Ohio State & making it to the national championship.

"You look awful." Ladd says. Brock nods agreeing. "I feel like a truck has hit me." Brock says with his head down.

"Maybe you need to go to the locker room & sit this one out." Ladd suggests. Brock shakes his head, no. "Y'all need me more than ever tonight." Ladd just backs off.

Brock drinks a ton of gatorade hoping he would feel better for the second half.

At halftime Brock ran off the field a minute before the team did. Brock ran to the bathroom & threw up.

"Where's Brock?" Another Coach asks. Ladd points to the locker room. "He didn't look good." Ladd says.

When to clock ran down for half time Coach Smart told Jake about Brock.

"Do you need to go to the hospital? Fluids? Oxygen?" The medical staff says talking to Brock. "No, No, I'm find." He says still pretty out of it.

"Brock." Brianna says coming to hug her brother. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He says drinking some water. "You don't look fine. What did you do worry yourself sick about the game?" Lee asks. Brock nods.

"Brock, why bro?" Jake asks. "This game is not important to anyone. Your health his more important."

"Bs Jake, you know just as good as I do, this game means everything to millions of people, & I can't be the reason we don't go back to back." Brock says pretty shaken up.

"I'm fine after I got sick, I'm ready to go win the Peach Bowl." Brock says going to the team. "Keep an eye on him son, tell Ladd to as well." Emerson says as they left the locker room.

The game went on & Georgia won just by one point. Brock was glad he was apart of this crazy game even if he just got a couple of catches.

"Go home & rest. Don't worry yourself to death!" Coach Smart says. Brock nods.

As soon as they got back to the hotel. Brock went took a shower & went straight to bed.

"Happy New Year." Jake says. "Happy New Year, one way to bring in the new year." Brock jokes.

Georgia is going to the natty for the second year in a row!!
They are favored to win by 14 points!!
If they win the will be the first time to win the natty back to back!!
& what a game at the peach bowl!! hats off to Ohio!!
We better get out act together if we are going to beat TCU!
Go Dawgs!! Beat TCU!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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