Chapter 63

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And you can put me down but you gotta pick me up,
Yeah, and you can poke fun but I might not like it

Sooner or later I'm gonna get anxious again
And I tried to fake it but I'm not the greatest at that


My boyfriend is an illegal unlicensed therapist to murderers in gangs, and my bestfriend was once just as involved as the people Harry counsels.

Just another normal day in the life of Ariana Dyer.

Now, I'm currently sitting on the couch with Caleb asleep on my lap, while the two boys bicker back and forth over whether or not Harry should kill Marco.

If this were a few hours ago i'd take it as Harry being jealous or all talk, but now at this moment in time who knows anymore?

Ashton's trying his best to calm him down and talk him out of doing something stupid, but I lost the conversation a few minutes ago when I completely tuned their voices out.

I'm still trying my hardest to take in everything Harry told me earlier but i'm really struggling with understanding a few things.

Could he be in danger with knowing all of the information these men are giving him? That can't be safe at all, because with that being said he knows anything and everything about what's going on.

He's committing a crime by withholding such big information. It's not drug talk it's talk about murder.

Is Ashton still involved with something similar? Just without Marco? Harry never went into depth about what Ashton does now. And after seeing the way he's reacted to things before, would it really be that much of a shock?

I mean for fucks suck I hate saying it but Marco was right. I really don't know as much as I thought.

I only know what it is they were willing to share and show with me, and obviously the gang talk was something they felt the need to hide from me.

Kind of understandable.

While Harry's explanation and reasoning for why they were involved did make sense, we still have no idea what exactly Marco wants from me. If this were for some sort of payback for Ashton reacting the way that he did, why come after me? Why now after not speaking for so many years?

Harry thinks it's because he's still in touch and providing therapy to some of his men but it still doesn't add up. If anything Harry saved Marco from Ashton so why would he try to hurt him? What's his motive here?

Also, the entire time Marco and I spoke he painted them out to be the bad guys. It's almost like he sent me to Harry knowing exactly what he was going to say, so how would that hurt me?

Marco had to have known Harry was planning on showing me what was inside those envelopes. He even told me to go home and ask, knowing the pictures were taken of me. So is he trying to scare me?

Why would he act as if he was on my side, then send me back to Harry knowing he would quickly put in end to that tiny thought? Nothing's adding up.

But like Harry said, right now Marco's playing some twisted game, so maybe he wants me to be confused. Maybe he wants me to overthink to the point where it's too much.

I just wish I knew why he's targeting me. What could I have possibly done?

"He put his fucking hands on her! He's not going to stop!" I suddenly hear Harry scream out, pushing Ashton up against the front door out of pure anger, and I can't help but panic when I see the shade of red that overwhelms his cheeks.

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