Chapter 33...My Monster, Captor, and Hell creator

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This chapter could make you feel uncomfortable. I hate to reveal things before the chapter and I also like to just leave clues for you guys to figure out what's going to happen. But with this chapter, I feel I need to warn you and tell you to continue at your own risk. You know what you can or cannot handle. In this chapter there is torture, blood, pain, and killing. If you can't read that sort of thing that's okay and I completely understand. You have been warned. If you do read it, I sincerely hope you like it and tell me what you think.

----Back to the Story----

Athena's POV:

Imagine being ripped apart limb by limb in excruciating slowness and you feel every single pull, pop, and eventually snap.

Imagine praying for it to stop, to pass out and let the darkness you feel inside envelope you, and pray to just shut down and feel numb.

Numbness would be better than the pain. Going into a coma, fainting, going into some sort of unconsciousness would be better.

Hell, even dying would be better.

But no matter how close you get to death something pulls you back. And it's not the torture pausing or the evil laugh enveloping you back into your reality or the pain of every broken part of you or the part of you that is questioning your sanity.

The reason you don't fully slip away and just let go isn't any of those things. It's that damn sliver of hope that keeps the torture going. That makes you relive the same pain over and over again and never let's you go no matter how hard you push and shove it away.

My sliver of hope is Dylan. Dylan will come back, he will continue to look until he finds me. And just knowing that makes me fall for him just a bit more but at the same time pulls me back and forces myself to push him away. If that makes any sense.

I have a past and I'm sure he does too.

But do I go prying around into his past? No.

Do I want to know about his past? No, not really.

Do I ask questions that lead him to talk about his past? Sure, unintentionally.

To tell the truth I could care less about his past. It doesn't matter to me nor do I think it will ever.

So why is my past so different?


I slowly painfully opened my eyes and looked around the dark dirty room that I have been in for god knows how long. It could have been hours or days or even months. My young little mind didn't know.

"Jay, I'm scared." I admitted shyly looking down at the dirty hard floor.

Back home Daddy and Mommy always told us to be strong and never to show weakness no matter how weak we really are. It's handing the bad guys the tool to make us break and that can't happen.

"I know, me too." Jay whispered back. "I would come over but I can't." He told me something I already knew but didn't want to accept.

He gently tugged on the chains holding him to the wall and ground. I looked up at him when the rattling of chains filled the quiet stillness.

I looked up into Jay's eyes and saw a small smile but it flickered to pain but it was so fleeting I couldn't decide if it really was there or not. I looked down at my chains in hopelessness.

"Hey, don't think about it."

"But I can't stop."

"Think about something that makes you smile."

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