Chapter 37....Getting Her Part 1

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Dylan's POV:



Damn, she's gonna get herself killed!



"Explain to me again how the hell we are supposed to get into there?" Cody asks turning his head to look at me.

"I have no clue. Stella never told us how exactly we will get in." I admit sighing as I take in the building.

It isn't anything like what I was expecting. It is a massive mall like building. It is a shiny pearl white with a luxurious but welcoming feel to it.


"Ow!" I grabbed my arm where he had slapped me.

"You deserve it." He grumbles.

"Ok, maybe I do. But come on she knows where A is and she knows more about this place than anyone out here." I told him turning back to gazing at the building.

"You can't save her if your dead." Cody tells me pointedly.

"Who's dead?" Stella asked popping up behind us scaring us shit less.

Cody and I scream in unison.


"We will be if you continue doing that!" I yell.

She just laughs and plops down on the ground cris-cross-applesauce and asks, "But who's dead?"

I rolled my eyes and turned back around, "How do we get in?"


"How do we get in? We can't just waltz right in and walk right out." Cody growls.

"Why not?" Stella asks.

"Because then we will be dead."

"And we can't exactly save Athena if we're dead."

"But what if you don't? Die that is."

Now I'm confused.

"Isn't that the point. Don't die."

With that bullets started to fly, literally.

"STELLA!!!! WHERE IN THE LIVING HELL ARE YOU!" Brady yells from the other post a little ways away from where we were.

I lock eyes with Stella just daring her to stand up and say something. She opens her mouth but notices Cody and I giving her a death glare so she slowly closes it once again.

"You didn't tell him you were leaving?!" Cody whisper yells at her once she closes her mouth.

"No?" She replied in a questioning tone like she was unsure of herself.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you didn't."

"STELLA!" Brady once again yells at the top of his lungs.


Guys? I asked opening a mindlink.

Hey, what's up?


You do realize we don't have to yell our heads off right?


What are you going on about, crazy?

I sighed, mindlink? You know this thing? The thing we are using to communicate right now.


I totally knew that.

Sure you did. Since yelling across our posts totally means the same thing.

You know what, Dylan?

What? I asked rolling my eyes.

I don't appreciate your sass, mister.

Fuck you, Brady.

Sorry dude I love ya and all but I just don't swung that way. Oh and I already have some in to do that job for me so thanks but no thanks.

Dude?! Really?


All of a sudden our connection was broken from an ear piercing scream that I wish I would never hear again, Athena.

Everything went deadly quiet. My heart. My heart is pounding in my chest.

I can't breathe.

"I can't..........breathe." I choke out.

"What?! Are you okay?!" I hear Cody's voice fill panic as he tries to keep me up right.

I gasp for air.

What's going on?

Aero whimpers in pain as a response. 

Neither one of us can get enough air to do anything. It feels like some is trying to suffocate me! I'm completely focused on trying to breathe that I don't notice what's going on around me. 

Suddenly I'm on the grassy ground gulping down air to make up for the few seconds maybe minutes of not receiving any. I open my eyes, that I clenched closed, to see Brady holding tightly onto Stella both with worried looks etched onto their faces.

I turned slightly to see Cody looking down at me complete panic carved into his usual relaxed jokerster face.

"You okay, dude?" Brady quietly asks still holding securely onto Stella.

I open my mouth but I couldn't form any words so I just nodded.

"Here let's get you sitting up." Cody said leaning over and helping me sit up.

I lean against the base of one of the near by trees, slowly closing my eyes completely happy at that moment that I could breathe again. The only thing that would make this even better is Athena being here with me.

Athena, damn I miss her so much.


My eyes snap open.

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