Chapter 28....New Information? Good or Bad?

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Dylan's POV:

I brought the rogue into the room and sat him down in the chair across from my girl. I walked around the table to stand a few feet away and slightly behind Athena. As I walked around I gave a small nod to her and she gave me a beautiful small smile in return.

"Now, let's begin." She paused for a second then continued, "What's your name?"

"Arian Hugh." He replies in a clipped voice.

"Age?" Her beautiful voice rings out with a slight edge to it.


"Really? Wow. Okay." She looked him up and down with this look that says that she didn't complete believe him. Hell, I don't even. He looks to still be in his early 20s not 30.

"Why, is that a problem?!" He asks with anger undertones.

I was about to walk forward and put him in place but my girl beat me to it.

She laughed loud and happy. I looked her over carefully as she threw her head back. She squinted her eyes and crinkled her little nose cutely as she laughed. She looked....happy and....proud it looks like. I couldn't help the small smile that fights its way onto my face.

"NO!" She continued to laugh. "No, no, no..." She pause again to control her laughing and when she did she continued, "It's not a problem. Not at all. In fact I'm surprised you're so easy to push around. I mean you're years older than me and yet you let me treat you like a punching bag."

"How old are you?" He asks looking her up and down.

Before I could stop it, a deep growl left my throat. I didn't like the way he was looking at her and he needs to remember his place.

He looks over at me with a surprise look on his face, almost like he forgot I was here. As for my mate she turned to look at me and gave me a glare. I smiled and shrugged. She just rolled her eyes and turned back around.

"18." Her sweet voice rang out proudly.

I looked over to see his reaction. His eyes went wide with surprise and he looked at her again. He sat up a little straighter and a little bit more rigid.

"Now, I'll ask the questions and you corporate and answer them honestly. Got it?" Her voice went back to a stern and powerful tone.

Arian rolled his eyes and looked at her waiting for her to continue.

"How long have you been a rogue?"

"About 12 years."

"What pact were you originally in?"

"Star Crossed Pact."

Wow an overseas pact. Didn't expect that. Did A? I watched her reaction or more of her non-existent reaction. She just continued on like he didn't come from one of the biggest overseas pact.

"Why did you go rogue?"

"My parents didn't like some of my choices and gave me an ultimatum."

"Which was?" Her eyebrows knitted together showing her confusion.

"Stay and change or leave and never talk to them again. Obviously, I left."

Athena nodded her gorgeous head and looked down for a second before bringing her head back up to continue with the questioning.

"What were you doing with the other rogues?"

"Orders." He replied simply.

"What exactly were the orders?" She visibly tensed and became more on edge. I wonder why.

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