Chapter 42....Who's Gone?

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Athena's POV:

I collapsed into Dylan as sobs began to rack my body. In the middle of the circle of rogues lay Cameron, Sarah, and-I can't believe this-Jason. More and more sobs pour out of me as I see my limp brother laying inches from Cameron and his mate Sarah.

I push myself off of Dylan and stumble the few steps to collapse on the ground next to Jay. He lays on his stomach with his head turned away from me.

"Please, no. Jay, no." I whimper through my tears.

I pull him over but since he is such a fat ass with all his massive muscles it took a lot of work to pull him closer to me. Tears rolled down my face and a few fell to land on Jay's face.

"Oh, please! No! Come on, wake up!" I scream shaking his head lightly.

When he doesn't respond, I yell some more but again nothing.

"Baby, Baby." Dylan sits down next to me holding me as I still hold Jay. I ignore him and focus on every detail of my brother.

"Please, you're okay." I choke out hoping, begging it to be true.

"Baby, you're hurting him." Dylan tells me ripping my hands off of Jay and pulls me back onto his chest.

From the sudden movement Jay's head bumps to the ground making me scream, "No! Jay-he's right-no!" I stumble over through my thoughts not knowing what to say.

I still struggle to get out of Dylan's arms but he just tightens his hold.

"Shh." Dylan whispers trying to soothe me but I still struggle.

Jay's hurt and needs help. I can't be calm! My twin is hurt!! He's...he's-no don't think like that.

"Shh, calm. Baby, calm." He soothes.

"I will not! My brother is-Jay is-" I couldn't finish. I go limp in Dylan's arms not able to fight any more.

"It's okay, Baby." Dylan whispers in my ear as he nuzzles his head into my neck.

He draws random shapes all up and down my arms as he soothes me. After some time, he turns me around so my back is to his chest. He pays with my hair as my sobs are controlled and tears continue to fall.

"Baby, you're calm." Dylan says instead of ask. I nod not taking my eyes off my Jay, my sweet amazing annoying twin.


I hum in response, not really paying attention.

"I want you to do something."

I hum and nod agreeing. Suddenly Dylan spins me around so now my back is to Jay.

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