*Chapter 27....I might be a what?

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Dylan's POV:

From the second I saw Athena, I knew she was mine.


Goddess, this party is boring. In past years, I would pass the time with Cole, Brady, Cody, and even my little sister Savannah. But that all changed. Brady and Cody found their mates almost a year ago. Seeing as this party is for mateless wolves, they aren't here.

Cole became an absolute douche rejecting his mate the second she woke up from a horrible coma and then to top it all off he sends her into another one! Savannah hasn't been herself since she found out about the whole Cole rejecting his mate thing. She is so scared of finding her mate now that at points she'll lock herself in her room for hours on end.

Like now, she's sitting up in her room doing goddess knows what because she refuse to see if her mate is here. Which is pointless because she won't get a mate until she is at least sixteen and she's only fourteen.

I sighed, why can't this be more fun?

Sitting to my left is my douche of a brother Cole, who I haven't had a real conversation with for almost a year now. Unless you count screaming at him to shut-up. I leaned forward holding my fancy cup that appeared to look like I'm drinking some sparkling fancy shit but really held only sprite.

I watched as everyone seemed to have a good time what with the chatter and smiles and the laughs. Why can't something happen? Like my mate walk through that door right now? I groaned and thought about how impossible that is.


What the fuck?

There in the wide open doorway stood the most gorgeous beautiful girl in the entire world. She looked strong and ready to kick some ass. She wore tight black pants with a purple tank top that showed off a small part of her toned stomach. Over that was a white and grey vest that did little to cover what her tank top was exposing. On her feet were black combat boots.

Her hair was styled messily but it worked. Her makeup was dark and edgy that gave off the vibe of 'don't-you-dare-mess-with-me.' I took a whiff of the air. Why? I don't know but I had this uncontrollable urge to do it. So I did.

My nostrils filled with the most amazing smell of vanilla and peppermint and home.

Mate! My wolf called out.

"Mate." I whispered.

From that second on I was gone.

End Flashback:

Don't ask me what exactly happened after I said that because it's all a blur of pure bliss and happiness. I can't remember anything before the kiss really but afterwards I remember every single detail.

I looked over my shoulder to my mate to see her looking out the window at the end of the hallway. She looked lost in thought and I wondered what she was thinking about to get her like that.

"Dylan?" My father pulled me out of my head and I turned to face him.


"I didn't mean to break up the moment you were having but I really need to talk to you about a few things." His voice took on a serious tone to it.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?" I looked up at him a little bit due to the slight height difference.

"First, congrats on finding your mate," A wide smile splayed across his face while gesturing to my beautiful mate.

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