Chapter 14

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▪︎《▪︎《▪︎《▪︎ I've got a war in my mind=lana del ray ▪︎《▪︎《▪︎《▪︎
"Go on in, Miss Barlow," the door man says, allowing me into the party.

My father is accepting an award for his work this evening. Who knew giving big boobs and fillers would give him such a high honor as the leading Dr. in New York. That's the only reason I've bothered to show up this evening. Since my fight with Pauly I haven't wanted to go anywhere that he might be. But last week when my father came home raving about the honor he was receiving, I couldn't very well stay home.
I talked Adalee out of her plans so she could tag along. As she stands beside me, I squeeze her hand when I spot the D'Amore family off to the side. My eyes spot him. It's not hard to point him out from the rest. Besides Oscar, he's the second tallest in their little group. A pang of jealousy hits when I see he's brought a date. She's beautiful. Which only makes me feel worse.
I allow Adalee to pull me away. She mingles with the guests. I stay quite for the most part. My mind half way across the room, with a man that doesn't even care that I'm standing in the same room with him. It's infuriating! Who does he think I am? I'm Caroline Barlow for goodness sakes.
That's fine. I'll show him what he's missing.
Adalee catches up with her new beau Eric Valter. I stand close by her side, trying to stay out of eyes sight of Pauly, while I'm still alone. I'll find someone to talk to just so Pauly will see that I can find someone else too! And just as I have the thought, Eric introduces us to his bi brother. Jamie Valter, a fine cut of a man. Not quite as handsome as Pauly but few are. Still he's not at all a bad choice for my plan. I lean in a little towards my target.

"Jamie, how has your father and mother been?" I ask, batting my lashes at him.

Jamie gives a small grin, pleased that I've showed interest in him.

"They're well," he says. "They've been busy as of late but hopefully things will slow down as the holidays approach."

"It won't be long now, we're in the full swing of fall now. I do hope they will come home soon. I adore your mother. She's always the sweetest lady at events like this."

He nods. "She does enjoy the parties here. Hopefully it won't be too long now before they come home. Would you like a glass of champagne?"

I nod with a smile, as he turns away to reach for two glasses, I spare a glance over my shoulder. My eyes locking with Pauly and I raise a brow in his direction before turning my attention back to Jamie. I pretend to listen to what Jamie has to say. Some nonsense about his father's political career and how he hopes to follow his father's foot steps. I try to keep my eyes on Jamie but every so often I can't fight the pull back to Pauly.
The gown I've chosen is respectful enough but still sexy in a class way. I'm glad I went with Rita's suggestion. Jamie seems to like it too, since his gaze keeps traveling over my figure. I try to remember if I have ever received flowers from Jamie. I can't remember if I have or not. I'm certain that I will now. Then again... I had had the same thought after my first date with Pauly and I still haven't gotten any. Not even when he was so rude to me. The only flowers he ever brought were the pink roses that one time.
Eric and Jamie lead both Adalee and I to a table. The prefect choice really. Close enough for Pauly to still see my flirting with Jamie but far enough away that he will have to guess what we're talking about.
As I pretend to listen to Jamie, I can't help noticing Pauly's parents and little brother are in attendance too. Though I am a bit surprised to see how rudely Pauly ignores any attempt made by his parents to have a conversation. Even when Samuel takes a step in his sons direction, Pauly moves a step or two away. I knew already that there was trouble between them, I just hadn't realized how much. It doesn't matter and I shouldn't care. At least, that's what I tell myself. Whatever problems Pauly has, they are his own.
The speeches begin with the Mayor. As usual the woman takes forever to get to her point. Then to my surprise, she asks  Samuel D'Amore to come up. My eyes dart back to the family across the room.  Pauly sits next to his baby brother, his mother swatting his arm for him to pay attention, an action he ignores completely.
Samuel speaks highly of my father, how they are such good friends, and how my mother would be so proud of him. I try to pay attention, I really do. But just as my father makes his way up to the stage, Pauly smiles at something Marco has said. That smile warms my heart. At least, they have each other. And Lex's family. Pauly's gaze looks up to catch me watching him. That playful grin fades to a lustful stare that sends my heart fluttering. I'm the first to break our stare fight, my cheeks heating up to the point that I know he can see my blushing. I shouldn't be making eyes at him so openly while I'm supposed to be paying attention to my father's thank you speech.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now