Chapter 70

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°.○•°°.○•° maybe some things last forever after all - Luke Combs. °.○•°°.○•°
As the door opens, my gaze first notices the flickering of candle light. Soft piano music plays, magical and sweet sounding. Then the sweet fragrance of the fresh red rose petals lining the white marble floor, making an aisle, catches my nose. As my eyes follow the trail of candles and roses, I find Pauly at the end of the foyer. He's dressed in a black and white tuxedo, hands in his pants pockets, and looking so handsome it makes my heart flutter.
The expression on his face when he looks at me has my thighs squeezing together. Good Lord, the force of the intense desire shining back at's overwhelmingly delicious. As if he plans on devouring me later. But there's something else in those dark eyes. Deep affection and longing that goes far beyond just sex.
My feet have moved me into the foyer without my realizing it. In fact, it isn't until Max closes the door behind me that I become aware. I'm fully under the spell he has cast for me. I've never had a birthday like this before. Where someone has put in so much thought. Certainly, I've had parties before. But nothing as beautiful as this.
My heart is racing. A feeling of anticipation floods my body. I'm not exactly sure why. It's not as if I'm expecting anything. Hell, I hadn't even been expecting this! Honestly, I'd been feeling a little neglected since the night of my sleepover. Pauly had asked a million times if I was alright. He'd thought me grieving, despite my having said I wasn't. And I hadn't been. I don't feel ashamed to admit that I felt nothing over my father's death.
The man I'd thought to be my Daddy had died long ago.
And besides constantly asking how I was doing and whether or not I was upset, Pauly's been throwing himself into work. So having his full undivided attention all to myself was all I'd really been hoping for. To say that he has gone over and beyond for my special day feels like the understatement of the century.
It all makes sense to me now. Why he'd left so early this morning. Why Mia and Sarahbeth had kept me busy all day. The dress I'd found laid out on the bed next to me this morning. Pauly had planned all of this. No doubt with Mia's help too. Mia D'Amore always seems to have her hands in everyone's lives. Now in my life too. I don't mind of course. It's always with the best of intentions.
I walk down towards him with an abnormally large smile on my face. Making my cheeks hurt in the process. How could I not be grinning like a fool. My heels click on the shiney marble floors. I hold out my arms. Too impressed to help myself.

"You did this? For me?" I find myself asking, which is stupid considering I already know the answer.

He holds out a hand to me, I take it and he pulls me in. His dark eyes watching me as I take it all in.

"Do you like it?" His voice is low and rich sounding.

I meet his gaze, having to crane my head back to do so, he is so much taller than me.

"It's beautiful," I sound undeniably happy. "Thank you."

His thumb brushes my cheek. God, he smells good. A faint smell of smoke, whiskey, and that spiciness he always has about him.

"The roses and candles aren't the only gifts I planned for you," he say, removing some papers from his coat pocket and handing them to me.

A thrill shoots through my body as I take the papers from him. I'm certain I know what they will say. And as my eyes fly over them, I realize I was right.

"You bought it," my words are full of excitement and surprise. "But you hadn't even seen the house."

"I'd done a walk through last week," he explains. "I just didn't tell you that."

Realization dawns on me again. "Because you wanted it to be a surprise for my birthday," I say with a nod, still grinning like a fool.

"You liked it so much," he mumbles, his gaze transfixed on my face. "I wanted to make you happy."

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now