Chapter 29

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▪︎□■》▪︎□■》▪︎□■》that face she makes when you're hitting her G-spot while making eye contact with her and whispering dirty shit to her ▪︎□■》▪︎□■》▪︎□■》
My eyes flutter open. I'm too hot. And the need for the bathroom, makes it impossible to go back to sleep. But I'm trapped. Pauly's heavy arms hold me in place, firmly held up against his chest. I grin as the memories from the night before flood my mind. It had been better than I'd hoped for. At least, after the pain had ended.
I wiggle down, so that I can slip out from under his arms. Being careful of his wound. Pauly's a heavy sleeper it seems. He doesn't make a sound or grumble sleepily at my leaving his side. He just dreams on. Those perfect features of his face so relaxed. His lips parted just slightly. A little shadowed stuble has grown on his chin, he needs to shave.
And I....have to pee.
A few minutes later, the toilet flushes and I stand at the sink to wash my hands. When my eyes look up at the mirror, I'm horrified by my reflection. Thank God I had woken up before him, now I'll have time to fix my ridiculous sex hair and the makeup smeared across my face. I work quickly and with purpose. I even have the time to brush my teeth and spray my perfume. Suddenly, I'm grateful for the full bladder I had woke up to. It had granted me time to prepare myself.
I return to the bedroom to find that Pauly hasn't moved. His arms still where I had placed them. I slip in next to him, laying on my side, facing him.
He's so handsome.
Every girls dream man, I'd say.
And he's mine.
Well, sorta.
We still haven't exactly made anything official. But after last night, my hopes are high. He'd been tender with me. Worried for me and when I had failed to sit on him completely, he'd showed me mercy and gotten it over with. Pauly D'Amore is everything I'd ever wanted in a man.
He's smart. Funny. Strong. Kind. Passionate. Rough but tender when needed. Gorgeous. Dark and intense. And an excellent lover. He's a good friend. Loyal to those he loves and respected among his family. He might have a bad boy reputation but the paparazzi have a tendency to elaborate everything.
And I've fallen in love with him.
When we first started dating, I would have never thought I'd fall for him so quickly. But with everything that's happened, everything we've gone through so far, it's all made me fall faster than I thought I would.
I know now that some of the rumors about the family is true. They were a gang deep down. Behind all the expensive suits, underneath all the polite smiles, they were gangsters. But still a family. A solid group of loyal members. And instead of being afraid, as I thought I would be, I find myself wanting desperately to be a part of this family.
It's hard not to when you've spent time with them. They all share so much love for one another. They're fun too. It's easy to find yourself enjoying time with them. Everyone expect, Samuel and Genevieve that is. Those two aren't included in my admiration for the family. Marco is though. When he's pulled away from his snooty parents. Poor kid. He would have had it a lot worse had Pauly not stepped in.
And that was another thing....
Pauly could be selfless. Giving up his freedom for the well being of his little brother. His last living brother. That alone made me think well of him.
In a way, it makes me think of Pauly as a hero. He's now saved my life twice. Sacrificed himself for Marco. And brought life to my boring life.
Yeah, he's my hero.
My dark prince.
Just then, those dark chocolate colored eyes open to find me staring down at him. I blush, thinking he'd think me a creep. His hand comes up, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. His thumb then rubs over my lower lip.

"You're so beautiful," his sleepy voice is deep and sexy.

I look at him through my lashes. "Thank you."

"How long have you been awake?"

I blush deeper. He'll surely think me a creep if I admit the truth. So, I lie.

"Just a minute or two."

A half crooked grin pulls at his lips. I think he's onto me, my lying. Then his eyes become concerned.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now