Chapter 58

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A@A@A@ believe in yourself so much that the world has no choice but to believe in you too A@A@A@
"What's this?" Rita asks when she brings in my lunch. "It's been so long since I've seen you smiling like that."

I stretch my limbs on the sofa before sitting up to eat my salad. A content sigh escaping. She's right...for the last few days I've been pretty content, all things considered. There are plenty of things that are still weighing heavy on my mind. The betrayal of my father and loss of my child are never too far from my thoughts. But it's Pauly who has made it his mission to keep my mind on...other things. The connection between us has returned, burning brighter and hotter than ever before.

"Ms. Caroline, I'd like to apologize for my behavior again that night. It had been so long since I'd-"

"I don't want to hear another word about it, Rita. You deserved to enjoy yourself some, as we all did. I'll not have you apologizing anymore about a night neither of us remembers much of anyway."

Rita nods once. "Very well, Miss."

She's been doing that everyday since our 'girl's night out'. It had taken Rita a full day to get out of bed and she's been apologizing ever since because she missed a full day's forth of work and Pauly insisted on paying her anyways. She hadn't liked that, insisting that she couldn't take his money when she hadn't earned it. Pauly's stubborn bone had been stronger than Rita's.
He seems to be the only person she ever gives into. It's adorable the way Pauly is with her. Treating her as if she'd been his friend his whole life and I believe the bantering between them is his way of saying he cares about her. Loyalty goes a long way with Pauly and Rita is about as loyal as they come. I've known her for years and I can tell that something is eating her. Just as she knows me, I know her. Even as she paces before me, I know that something has gotten to Rita, and it won't be long before.... Rita, stops, turns to face me....and here we go...

"What is Rita?" I ask before she can start.

She opens her mouth, ready to start, but snaps it shut again, with a shake of her head.

"I can see that you're about as nervous as a cat walking on glass," I quickly say, "just like you could see my happiness when you walked in, we know each other well. I've always been able to come to you about anything, boys, getting my first period, and you've always been there for me. There isn't anything we can't talk about. So, please, tell me what's on your mind."

My dear old friend, the mother figure in my life for these many years, looks taken back by my admiration of her. Then blushes slightly and lowers her gaze.

"Miss Caroline, you know I love you like you were my own. It's been a pleasure to watch you grow and take the first steps into womanhood. I also know that the love we share should never be taken for granted. And I don't want you to think I'm overstepping any lines-"

I sigh. "Rita, please. Just tell me."

Her thin lips set in a hard line of determination. A deep crease forms between her brows.

"Right," she says. "Though I have shared much of my life with you and your father, I haven't told you everything. You see, I have siblings. Two brothers. The oldest is now passed on. Leaving behind his daughter. Since my parents were too old to care for the girl, and they too have now moved on, but the second oldest brother, he lives. In fact, I believe you've recently met him. Richard Van Horne, that's his name, he is now headmaster of St. Francis Preparatory school."

My eyes widen. No. That couldn't be true. Richard Van Horne! My Rita's older brother? Impossible. I recall that Rita had married once years ago. Taking her husband's last name meant that of course, I wouldn't have known she was a Van Horne too. The siblings couldn't be more different. Richard was polished and shiney like a new penny. Rita has had years of hard work, making her look older than she really is, her maid's attire dulling her natural good looks. Richard had walked into Lex D'Amore's home as if he owned the place, while Rita is shy, for the most part, until you get a few drinks in her.
It's hard to believe. Almost impossible to think that those two could be related.

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