Chapter 47

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...°°°...°°°...°°°he's her rock, she's his inspiration. he's her balance, she's his support. he's her wild, she's his calm. he's her anchor, she's his wings...°°°...°°°...°°°
Leaving the hospital is not the only thing that has my spirits up, the lovely woman on my arm is mostly to blame. Having Caroline with me has become the most important thing to me. Being able to watch over her. Protect her. Keeping her close means keeping her safe. However, she has somehow gotten me to allow her to visit her father without Max following her.
Max has escorted Caroline to and from but has kept his distance while she visits.
I wouldn't normally be so firm with where she goes and what she does, but Lex and John meet with Franco today. With the baby and everything else, I'm uneasy. On edge. She's noticed but hasn't complained about my orders. Thankfully.
We enter the hotel from the back entrance. To stay out of the papers. Since they're already writing articles about Caroline's breaking it off with Jamie. Soon they'll find that we are back together. And it won't be long after that before they find her pregnant. I can only imagine what they'll say then. Is the baby truly mine? Or could it be Jamie Valter's?
The thought sets my blood on fire.
Caroline is preparing herself for what is to come. Ramona had been livid when Caroline made the phone call. Positively furious really. I could careless. As long as Caroline and my child and my family are safe, everyone else can get fucked for all I care.
The elevator doors open and Mr. Carter is waiting with sliver trays of food.

"Mr. D'Amore," he says. "I can't tell you how happy we are to have you back."

"Thank you, Carter," I say with a crooked grin.

The smile puts him off for a moment. It's only the confusion I see on his face, that has me realizing that all this time, most have only seen me in a black mood. Walking around with a chip on my shoulder. Taking it out on any that crossed my path. This realization brings a guilty feeling. One that I find very uncomfortable. I've been such a dick to so many. Including the man who stares back at me. Carter breaks the staring match, looking around the penthouse, his hands clasped together before him.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. D'Amore? Or for you, Miss Barlow?"

Caroline squeezes my hand slightly. Then smiles at Carter.

"No, thank you," she murmures. "I'll call if something comes to mind."

"Yes, Ma'am," Carter lowers his head and moves to leave the room.

I hold out a hand to stop the man, before I even realize what I'm doing. Carter looks to me, unsure.

"Thank you, Mr.Carter. For keeping everything running smoothly here. I really do appreciate all you do here."

Carter's brows shoot up, surprised at my praise. He stands puzzled for a moment, then shakes his head, nods and leaves us.
To my right, Caroline holds tightly to my arm, beaming up at me as if I have just blessed the man with my words of gratitude.

"What?" I sound more annoyed than I am.

"You're different," she stills smiles up at me.

I roll my eyes, walking towards the living area, pulling her along with me. She sits on my lap.

"You've changed since I first met you," Caroline goes on.

"I don't think I'm any different."

Her arms wrap around my neck, forcing me to look into her beautiful face.

"When I first saw you, you were sneaking into a party, angry and scared. You hardly ever smiled. Now look at you!" She leans down to kiss my cheek. "Thanking everyone. Even at the hospital, you thanked the nurses and doctors. You have a look about you. As if you have the brightest thoughts. Dare I say, you seem happy?"

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now