Chapter 49

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++++++++you're unsure which pain is worse, the shock of what happened, or the ache of what will never be++++++++
"Today is the day of the fashion show. It won't be as good without you," Adalee grumbles. "But I can understand why Pauly doesn't want you to go. How are things between you two? Ever since he got out of the hospital, almost a week ago, you've been glued to his side. If you're not visiting your dad."

As a matter of fact, that's exactly where I have just come from. Having tea with Daddy. Explaining that I am pregnant and surprised to find that Daddy hardly acknowledged my confession. He actually ignored the topic, changing the subject. Rita had been thrilled but as concerned as I was that Daddy didn't seem to care.
Speaking of Rita, she seemed stressed. Almost on edge. Telling me that Daddy had been acting strange since I practically moved in with Pauly. Making calls late at night, leaving the apartment in the early morning way before it was time for him to leave for work.
I didn't think much into it. Daddy always had a hard time not having control over me. Ever since I can remember he has had a plan for my life. If ever those ideas for me were broken, like when I dropped out of college, he became....weird. He doesn't like my disappointing him. And until Pauly, I never wanted to rebel against my father's wishes for me.
But being so in love with Pauly D'Amore has had me breaking so many of Daddy's rules. His expectations for me have always been so high and now...

"Hello?" Adalee waves a hand in front of my face. "You there?"

"Yeah," I snap out of it. "Things between Pauly and I have been better than ever."

"Is he still happy about the baby?" She asks suddenly.

I glance at her. "Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?"

Adalee gives a small smile. "I don't know why I asked that. Just that, ya know, sometimes guys freak out when things like this happen. I was so happy for you when you told me how thrilled he was, I just want things to still be that good for you, ya know?"

I nod my understanding. We sit in a restaurant not far from Pauly's hotel. As to Adalee's concern, I can't help wondering if she might be on to something. Pauly had been so clipped off with me on the phone earlier. He's stressed. Needing things to go well with the meeting with Franco, I can understand that, however, there was no need in snapping at me because of that. When I'd asked when he'd be home, it had hurt my feelings when he'd answered me with, 'when I'm home.'
Maybe this was getting to him more than he had been letting on. Pauly D'Amore was a well known bachelor. One of the greatest catches in New York city. Now with Samuel's money and business, he would have been an even bigger catch than before. Is he missing the life of a single rich man? Is he starting to resent me and our baby?
My hand falls to my lower belly.
I have my first appointment in two days. I'd asked Pauly to come with me. Perhaps I shouldn't have. Maybe it was all becoming too much.
The lights in the restaurant are too bright suddenly. Making my eyes and head hurt. I could care less about the food sitting in front of me. Morning sickness seems to happen not only in the morning but any damn time of the day. It's strange how hungry I felt before visiting Daddy and how sick I feel now. My mouth waters and I fight down the feeling to vomit.

"You alright?" Adalee notices my uncomfortable expression.

"Yeah, I think so. Just not hungry anymore."

"Should we go back to the hotel? You could lay down for a while. Maybe that would help."

I nod. Adalee suggest that I go with Max and wait in the car, while she has our food packed up and pays the bill. Max looks worried. Making remarks about how pale I look. I ignore him and refuse to allow him to call Pauly. There's no reason to concern him when I'm sure that all I need is to lay down for a bit. Adalee joins me moments later and Max drives us back to the hotel. By the time Adalee gets me up to the penthouse, I break out in a cold sweat. Instantly, Adalee ignores my wishes and calls Pauly anyway. Max heads down to call Dr. Logan.
I lay down in our bed, Adalee flys around. Getting a wet cloth for my face and explaining to Pauly is happening. I can hear him on the phone with her from across the room. He's shouting at someone. Barking orders as he always does. Adalee hangs up, telling me that he is on his way.
The headache gets worse.
Adalee shuts the curtains. Turns off all the lights and sits by my side. Then the cramps come and I know this is bad. Max returns with Toe hot on his heels.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin