Chapter 5

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:÷:÷:÷:÷:÷:she wasn't sure which scared her more, the fact that he wanted to explore her depths and understand her........or the fact that she was willing to let him....... Emma Blake:÷:÷:÷:÷:÷:
The intruder has no shame. He walks straight toward me and my frightened mind is frozen, along with my body. When the thought to scream and run for it comes to mind, it's too late. A hand covers my mouth just as I suck in a deep breath to yell for help.

"Don't scream," his deep voice is raspy, in terrifyingly sexy way. "I won't hurt you, I swear it. Just don't scream. I'm here to check on someone. Just to make sure he's okay and then I plan on walking right back out that door."

I can't exactly say why but I find myself relaxing a bit. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the man has his arms around me, holding my back against his chest, or that he smells so good. That would be madness, if it were true. Which it absolutely is not!
I've never been in a man's arms like this before. Who am I kidding? I've not ever really been in a man arms period. Certainly, I've been kissed and even spent some time in the back of car kissing, but no one has ever plastered my body against themselves in either of those situations.
Whoever this man is, he's quite a bit bigger than me. I know I'd never stand a chance trying to fight him off. So, my only choice is to remain calm and if I die, then at least I'll go out with some dignity.
I half expect him to stick a gun or knife in my back to keep me from running. But I'm surprised again when he spins me around to face him. When our eyes lock, it's only then that he drops his hand from covering my lips. And I finally get my first good look at him. He had shocked and overwhelmed me so much by his approach that I didn't get the chance to study him at first.
There wasn't one feature that made him so attractive, it was everything combined. His eyes were an unusual shape, that's what made them so captivating. The color is such a dark brown, they nearly appear to be black. Though they would be beautiful in any shade, it was the intensity they hold that has my heart in such a flutter.
Then the strangest thought comes in. Although, it is nearly as terrifying as it is exciting. I find myself wondering how his lips would move in a kiss. What he would taste like. Leaving me to wonder what it would feel to have his hands follow the curves of my body. I should be ashamed for such wanting thoughts but instead I'm left feverish.
His bone structure is fine and symmetrical in a noble way. He's manly but has a air of sophistication about him, that can't be hidden by his tacky tasteless choice of clothing. Not that he isn't already but he has the face that will only grow more striking with age. The type of a man that would grace the covers of magazines, with a little dressing up that is.
I have no doubt that he uses all this to his advantage. Using the sudden pause in a person's reaction to him as a stunner. Just as he had with me only moments ago, moving towards me so fast that I hadn't thought to run away or call out for help.

"This party is invitation only," I snap out of it. "No drop ins."

"I told you, I'm just here to see someone," he repeats himself.

I search his eyes, I can't see any dishonesty there.

"Since I know everyone at this party, perhaps I can help you out finding them."

He raises a dark brow at my words. "You know everyone? Even these knew folks the party's for?"

"Well, my father is good friends with the hosts. I'm sure as they rise, we'll get to know them well enough. Who are you looking for anyway?"

It's his turn to search my eyes, probably trying to decide if he should trust me or not. Then he sighs, giving into which ever decision he had too.

"Since you say you know the hosts so well, I assume you know the son too. Marco D'Amore?"

I'm a bit taken back. "What on earth could you want to see him for? Who are you?"

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now