Chapter 65

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..... the role of the Queen is to protect the King- Chess ....
The needle pushes through his skin. His eyes are so dark now, they're almost black in color. Those eyes do not wince from the pain. No flinch. Though I grimace for him, knowing how much pain Pauly must be in.
I watch Arabella literally sow my man back together.

"You're lucky your reaction was so quick," she mutters as she works. "Though your fingers might disagree, they protected your Carotid Arteries."

I silently thank God!
The damage to his fingers had been the worst of it. However, his throat will forever carry a thick scar. Proof of the terrifying lifestyle he lives. The lifestyle I walked willing into.
Arabella had been tending to my wounds. A deep cut bleed down my face. She'd cleaned the cuts and blood from my head. Was in fact, getting ready to bandage me up when Lex had called. We'd heard Mia on the phone with him. Both of us listening carefully to the half sided conversation.

"Is it done?" Mia asked her husband.
And then...
"Do you know who sent him?"
After a response from Lex, she'd said, "He'll have to tell her."

Arabella's green eyes locked with mine.

"What does she mean?" I'd whispered to her. "Tell who what?"

"Do not worry about that now.....I have to get you cleaned up before Oscar and Pauly get here. I can not imagine Pauly seeing you all bloody. He'd likely bring the whole building down around us."

I'd sighed sadly. "Things have been tense between us. Ever since I made such a mess with Sohie and Marco. I... he was disappointed in me."

A lump had formed in my throat. Tears filling my eyes, so much that I lowered my gaze from her's.
Arabella patted my hand.

"You did the best you could with the cards Richard Van Horne dealt you. No could blame you, I surely wouldn't have known what to do. Would have likely done the same. Sohie is a sweet girl and you were merely trying to help your friend. It's that damned Richard's fault! I told Oscar the day we met him, I didn't like the man."

Her kind words do little to lift my spirits and she notices. Returning the topic back to Pauly and I.

"He loves you, Caroline. Surely you can not doubt that now?"

A whimper slips out, despite my best efforts. Arabella leaned down, forcing me to meet her gaze once again. 

"Look at all his has overcome to be with you. My God, Caroline! The man you see today is nothing like the boy I remember. Only a few short years ago, he was entirely different person. Wild and reckless couldn't even begin to describe who he use to be. So irresponsible. Couldn't careless about taking his place in this family. Yes, being here for Marco may have started him on the right path but it's because of you that he stayed steadfast on that path. He loves you so much that he wants to be better. Do better. Be someone besides the fun loving bachelor he has always been."

That was sweet of her to say. And I like to think that is the truth but...

"He is somebody now, isn't he? Inheritance and statuse forced him into this position. Duty to Marco has kept him here. He wants so much for his brother to enjoy his life. So when Marco begged to have private tutoring, Pauly was happy to oblige him. Now, I've ruined that promise. And with that, I've placed tension between the two brothers and I didn't mean to!"

Arabella hugged me close. I sobbed into her chest, not seeing Mia and Maggie enter the room, to find out what was going on.

"And now, this! Someone is trying to kill him," I cried.

Mia cleared her throat, making her presence known to me. Mascara running down my face, mixing with the blood that stared dripping down again in my fuss. I know I looked a mess while Mia, the Queen of the D'Amore family, looked down at me with pity.
She moved closer to the bed where I sat, sitting down beside me. Maggie even moved closer into the room.
Mia's perfectly polished hand laid on my shoulder in comforting way.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now