Chapter 31

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♧◇♡♤♧◇♡♤ he is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that doesn't change its nature.♧◇♡♤♧◇♡♤
We've been down here, locked into a room, hidden under the basement. In a type of vault/saferoom. The room has a couch, that Jessy and Arabella sit on with the children. Putting them to sleep as they rock them quietly. Mia paces, whispering prayers as she holds the rosary at her chest. Mawmaw sits on the only chair in the room, bent down, praying too. Maggie and Seth aren't here. They didn't make it down to the basement in time. Which has everyone worried and Arabella crying for her friends.
Lex, Oscar, and Pauly haven't been heard from. Which only adds to the fear. They'd joined the soldier's outside. And Pauly.... God, I pray he is alright. That they all are. Toe and another soldier stand by the door of the saferoom. Waiting for any sign from up stairs. So far, nothing. And it's make us all a little mad.
There are bangs that come from upstairs. That's our only sign as to what is going on. Then a shot can be heard. A loud one that sounds very close. Toe lifts his gun. Ready. My heart slams against my ribs. The pure paralyzing fear that takes over my body almost hurts. I can understand now why a target or victim would find it hard to fight back. This fear takes over your body. Keeping you from doing what is natural. It freezes you.
It controls you, this terrifying fear.

"What's happening?" I hear myself say to no one in particular. "What are they doing?!"

"Shh," Mia whispers. "We can't let them know we're down here. Try to calm yourself."

I snort rudely. Yeah, right. Calm myself, meanwhile Pauly could be hurt. Could be....dead. God, please don't let him die. I can't loose him now. My hand reaches up to grasp at the star hanging below my throat. It had been such an amazing moment between us. I wasn't sure if I should tell him then, that I love him, or wait. But I'd seriously thought about it. The words having been right on the tip of my tongue. 
And I know, that whatever happens tonight, I'll never forget that moment when he pointed up to the star. Or when he'd basically told me that the north star had reminded him of me. It's a beacon of hope, he'd said. I was his hope that things could be better. He just doesn't know, that he means the same thing to me. I have to tell him. He can't die without knowing that I've fallen in love with him.
That I will stand by him in whatever way he needs me too. I never thought in a million years that I would be with a man in the Italian Mafia. A man in one of the Italian families. Someone with power, like I never would have thought this possible. I realize now how foolish it would seem to someone else. Getting involved with this family has put me in more danger than I've ever been in.
Pauly had drawn me in. Like a moth to the flame. I hadn't had any choice in the matter. Well, that's not entirely true. I could have walked away. Maybe. But then he'd showed me more passion than any girl could have hoped for. The man did things to my body, I never thought possible.
Being around him has changed me. I've become braver, standing up to my Dad for the first time in my life. I no longer stress over every single thing I put in my mouth. He hasn't brought up my eating disorder again. He doesn't push or question me. All he does is worship my body, constantly telling me how beautiful I am. It unnerved me at first, not being use to that much attention, thinking he only said it to win me over. But then as he went on, I realized he meant it.
Pauly D'Amore has showed me another side to him. One that, I seriously doubt, he shows any. He can be so tender at times, it will make me want to cry. Then he can be hot and rough, a man determined to get what he wants. And when he wants something, he goes after it with all he has. Pauly can also be sweet. Giving me a glimpse into the past, remembering a good childhood memory, and sharing it with me. He can be a sliver tongue devil when he wants to be.

Another bang from above us.

"They've either gotten into the house or Lex will have moved the b-"

Mia stops when lock at the door begins to turn. My heart stops. It's over. It has to be. Why else would Lex be opening the vault like door, that weighs a ton. Lex stands at the entrance, looking tired, and his gun still in his hand. But that's not what has us all sucking in our breaths, it's the red blood he has all over his body that scares us. Mia races to him. She begins checking for wounds. Asking if she Dr. Logan needs to be called again.
Lex shakes his head.

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