Chapter 30

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(')(')(')(') you're more than just a star in the sky, you're like the north star, while the rest of the universe spins around, you remian there, unwavering, shining bright, and giving direction to always find the way home (')(')(')(')
Staying in bed on Christmas was out of the question. Besides, we'd layed around for two days anyway. Loving each other and doing the most wonderful things to each others bodies. But when the children woke on Christmas morning, they refused to leave us alone. Banging on the bedroom door, shouting that Santa had come. Pauly had just gotten out of the shower, sweats on, towel dry his wet hair. He'd yanked open the door to scare Axton and Sarahbeth. Which sent the two children running up the hall, squealing like two little piggies.
We spent the morning watching the children open gifts. Lex and Mia helping baby Lee open his. Even Oscar and Arabella made an appearance. Though they didn't stay long. Seth and Maggie disappeared a little while later too.
Tummies full of Mawmaw's pancakes, wrapping paper littering the floor, and parents falling asleep as their children play with their new toys, Pauly took my hand. Pulling me back to our bedroom, only to order me to get dressed. I asked where we were going and he ignored my question completely. So, when I stepped out of the bathroom in heels and a skirt, he laughed at me.

"You're not going to need those," he chuckled, looking down to my Louboutin's.

My hands snapped up to my hips. "If I knew where we were going...."

He finished tying his shoes and came close to me, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

"If I tell you, I'll have to kill you," he'd teased. "I'll see if Mia has any gym clothes here."

He'd turned to walk away from then. But I'd stopped him with....

"We're working out?" I groaned.

He looked over his shoulder, a devilish grin on his lips. "Baby, you've put me through the workout of my life the last two days. And believe me, I'll be glad to do more later."

A giggle escaped me.

But an hour later, with my legs burning, my heart pounding, and my lungs screaming for air, I look out over the top of a mountain. Pauly hardly looks out of breath, not even sweating really.

"I'm gonna kill my trainer," I gasp.

Pauly turns to me. "You have a trainer?"

A brief moment of anger washes over his face but I'm too tired to tease him.

"No," I answer. "But if I did, he'd be dead."

That seems to be exactly what he wanted to hear. And he as much says so.

"Good. Because I'd kill him myself for watching you workout."

I stand back up, having had to bend to catch my breath. I move closer to him. With enough air now, I selfishly decide I can tease him.

"Oh? He'd probably have to touch me too. You know, to help me stretch out and stuff."

That flash of anger again and then he wraps an arm around me. Yanking me towards him until I'm pressed flat against him.

"Don't tease, Care. I can't stand it," he warns. "Even the thought...makes me want to hurt someone. Really bad."

I grin, then lean up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. Our attention goes back to the view before us. It's cold out, but the snow had stopped. So, when Pauly finally told me we were going for a walk, which turned into a hike, I hadn't been worried. Pauly had been sweet during the hike. Telling me to watch my step, taking my hand at times, and asking me to be careful.
The rough track up here was worth it. The snowy landscape below us is....breathtakingly beautiful. The snow and ice glistening in the sunlight. As if the world had been covered in white fluff and glitter. It's the perfect picture for a post card. Suddenly, I find myself very touched that he'd brought me here. To share this with me.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now