Chapter 72

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●○●○●○ nothing is ever just black and white.... ○●○●○●
Renovations have begun on the mansion. Whitehall Manor will be our new home. The name Whitehall was given for the massive white marble foyer that opens to a double staircase. But it was the black iron railing, twisted in a whimsical fashion that instantly got me. The manor is beautiful, but once I'm finished, it will be home.
Not just for us.
The guest house located on the property  has been given to Rita and Sophie. Rita having balled her eyes out when handed over the keys. Saying it was far too much. Rita is much more humble than her brother Richard. A man who has always been out for money and power. Greedy, is what Rita calls him. But Rita is so much the opposite.
Having only ever been able to afford a modest lifestyle, I can see how the guest house might be overwhelming. After all, the three bedroom, three bathroom, marble flooring and smooth white walls are... not at all what she is use to living in. Her two bedroom apartment in the city could now easily fit into her kitchen. And when she tried to refuse, saying it was too grand for her.... Pauly had pulled out the big guns and used Rita's weakness against her.

"So, you're telling me that, it's too 'fancy' for you. Too good for you... is it too good for Sohie? Does she not deserve a nice home too?" He had asked.

Rita's chest had puffed out. "My apartment is nice, sir."

She had obviously been offended.
Pauly nodded.

"I'm sure it is, Rita. But does she not deserve the best you can give her?"

Rita raised a stubborn brow.

"Yes, and the best I can give is only what belongs to me. This is your guest house, Mr. D'Amore. And I can not possibly accept."

The devil himself couldn't have pulled off a more wicked grin when Pauly said, "Well, it was signed to your name just this morning. I had my lawyer draw up the papers. It's a gift. For loving and caring for Caroline all these years. And sticking by our sides, when you didn't have to. Keep your apartment in the city if you like but the house is yours either way."

The disbelief and shock on Rita's face in that moment was worth more than money could buy. And the kindness and generosity from my future husband did not go amiss. He got a very intense blow job later that evening as a thank you. Although head would never amount to the real appreciation I felt. And really I had simply used the matter as an excuse to have my way with him.

The surprise engagement party is in two days. Emails and text messages fly in and out. My approval being needed. Flowers. Food. Drinks. You name it and I've had to approve it. Mia D'Amore... she's taken charge over the party. Which was absolutely fine by me, however she still wants my opinions and it's very much appreciated. However, all this for an engagement party, I can't imagine what the actual wedding will entail.
It's exciting and a bit intimidating.

I've just returned from the manor to D'Amore hotel. Our home these past several months. The lobby is as busy as ever and Mr. Carter is rushing around to care for everyone. I give him a nod as I make my way to the elevator. With my gaze down on my phone, I'm taken by surprise when a crying Sophie rushes out, nearly knocking into me.

"Sophie? What in God's name-"

My question dies when a furious Marco steps out. His blue gaze shooting sparks at the girl in my arms.

"What's going on?" I snap.

Sophie straightens. Dashing her tears away with the back of her hands. Red splotches covers her cheeks. Her pretty eyes are puffy and no matter how much she tries to wipe the tears away, it's very clear how upset she is.

"It's nothing, Miss Caroline," she whimpers out. "I just...well... I..."

Whatever lie she was planning on delivering, vanishes as Marco heaves an annoyed sigh and pushes past us.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now