Chapter 51

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▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ bacteria is life on Mars but a heartbeat isn't life on Earth. Weird. Tom MacDonald ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
The blood is everywhere. Gushing out from between my legs. My hands shake as I hold the clot against my chest. My dead baby. The life that Pauly and I made together. The physical proof of our love. And it's dead now.
My eyes fly open. The nightmare that was supposed to be just a bad dream was real. I lost our child. It was taken from me. I know it deep down, even though I don't know who is responsible. Someone is...God? How could he have taken this away from me?
I've not been perfect. But did I really deserve this cruelty?


Pauly's hand reaches for me and I squeeze it. My runny nose has me sniffling.

"You okay?" He asks, moving closer to me.

I shake my head. "I keep reliving it. Over and over. I don't understand why it happened."

His eyes go tender as he looks down me.

"I know. I do too," his voice is low. "I wanna tell you something, Care. But I don't wanna make this worse."

My brows move together. My mind starts to race. How could this get any worse. "What?"

I see the tension and stress on his handsome face. Whatever it is he's about to tell me, he's worried how I'm gonna take it. I love how much he cares, that he wants to help me through this.

"Dr. Logan ran some blood work while you were still sleeping. He found some medication in your system."

I gulp. "Medication? I don't take anything expect a vitamin for the baby."

He nods, looking more upset. "I know, that's what I told him too. But the medication was something called the 'Plan C' pill."

A pit forms in my stomach. "The what? I haven't ever heard of that."

His hand squeezes mine again, his thumb rubbing against my knuckles. There's something in his face, the expression behind his eyes. A look of fear that pulls at my heart as I try to make sense of what he is telling me.

"It's a number of pills taken to make a woman miscarry, baby," he explains.

My eyes widen. "I didn't take them! The blood tests are wrong. I wouldn't have killed our baby, Pauly. You know that, don't you?"

His dark eyes soften. "I know you didn't take them, knowingly."

I start to relax, he knew I wouldn't do that. But then....knowingly?

"What do you mean?" I sound as nervous as I feel.

Then the stress and worry return to his face. I make room for him as he moves to sit on my bed beside me. Still holding my hand, he uses the other to trace the line on my forehead from my confusion.

"I mean that the pills when given to you. Since you've either been stuck like glue by my side since I got shot, not seeing or spending time with anyone else, other than.... having tea at your father's."

"What?" I don't believe his logic at all. "Daddy wouldn't do something like that!"

"Your 'Daddy' has done things that you wouldn't have imagined," he hisses back.

"Pauly, I know you don't see eye to eye with him but he loves me. He wouldn't have done this."

My man sighs, running his free hand through his hair before looking back down at me.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now