Chapter 4

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-_-_-_-_-_- if a guy wants you for your breast, thighs, or legs, send him to KFC. You're a lady, not a cheap value meal...Nicolas Cage.-_-_-_-_-_-_
(Side note: I love Nicolas Cage.)
"Throwing a debut for the D'Amore relatives now? How tacky!"

"I know," another lady agrees. "They've barely put their son in the ground and not even taking the time to grieve."

"You'd think they would have more respect for the dead," a new woman joins the gossip.

"I wonder how Samuel will take the new comers?" Katlyn Evans begins to stir the pot.

I knew she would!

"He'll probably be happy to have his family all together," an optimistic girl chims in.

Katlyn laughs. "That's a joke! Samuel D'Amore is the most powerful man in New York city. He'll most likely feel threatened. And what happens when you back a dog in a corner?"

I roll my eyes. She's already start spreading rumors.

"I think the new relatives are nice," the cheerful girl gives her opinion.

"Of course they're nice now! Everyone puts on a sweet face at first. But I've heard that Alex D'Amore is a ruthless business man. And he's covered on tattoos! Can you believe it? I would be so embarrassed if I was related to them. They say that he could be even more successful than Samuel in a few short years," Katlyn says with a wicked smile.

She knows what she's doing. It's not right to spread rumors about people while they've barely gotten the chance to prove themselves. Everyone deserves that chance. Having been listening to the conversation with my back to them, I turn to face the group.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I lash out at my sworn enemy. "I understand that you're not the brightest, so let me help you out. When you judge someone, you are not defining them, you're defining yourself!"

One point for Caroline and zero for Katlyn. She sticks out her chin then walks away, with her stupid followers tagging along behind her. Adalee giggles.

"Really, Care. Sometimes I think you'll be the end of her," she tells me in low tone.

"We can only hope," I say, beyond pleased with myself.

Personally, I can see how Samuel and Genevieve would want to host the welcoming party for Alex D'Amore and his family. They need family right now. To heal from such a tragic lose. I had met Henry D'Amore twice. Both times, he had seemed like such a gentleman. Polite, smart, and sophisticated. The perfect successor to Samuel's legacy.
Genevieve had been devastated. She had been so upset that she hadn't been able to attend the funeral. I watched from across the way as Samuel had stood, stone cold, keeping his youngest son close, but not even placing an arm around the kid. In fact, Marco had tried to mimic his father. Standing up straight, no expression, with their stance as stiff as the military. Only I spotted a tear slide down the boy's cheek but that had been the only difference between them.
It had saddened me all the more. The poor boy broke my heart. There was no expression. Just a lost lonely boy. Marco D'Amore needs someone. I'm sure that none of his school friends know what to do or say. The poor kid has to be feeling such a sense of loneliness. I know I did when my mother past. Leaving behind a reputation that I feel I have to live up too. Surely, Marco must be feeling the same! I should make it my mission to seek him out. Explain that he isn't the only one who feels inadequate.
With that plan in mind, I look around the room.
The party is beginning held in Samuel D'Amore's newest hotel. They've transformed it into a glittering gathering. Decorated in red roses, candle light, and dripping crystals from the ceiling. Giving a magical feel to the room. Genevieve D'Amore has not held back. The party so far is a total success. Any moment now, Samuel and Genevieve will make their grand entrance, being followed by the rest of the D'Amore family.
As I've heard it, there is only one member that will be missing.
The middle brother. Supposedly, the brother has always been a bad egg. Apparently, a wild card who has been flushing his life down the toilet since he was a young teen. A complete waste, so they say. And now! With Henry D'Amore gone, the empire would go to the next in line. The black sheep. It's all anyone is talking about.
Then to make his reputation even worse, the man didn't even show up to his own brothers funeral!
If the man doesn't show up eventually, Marco will take his place. It's all very old fashion but true nonetheless. For the life of me I can't remember the lost brother's name. Parker? Or Peter?
Oh! Pauly. Yes, Pauly D'Amore.
The new crown prince of  new York city.
And no one has seen him in....years. So, the article said. Rita, Adalee, and I spent the entire spa day reading about it. Some believe that he had spent most of his younger years away in boarding school, somewhere down south, and in the New York social journal claim that he's spent the last few year abroad. It seems that Pauly was helping build homes and bringing cleaning water to poor villages in Africa when Henry past. Though they were able to contact Pauly, he had not made it home in time for the funeral.
At least, that's what was in the papers and online.
But I reminded Rita and Adalee.
The papers and newsfeeds are more often then not.....wrong.

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