Chapter 62

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▪︎°•▪︎°•▪︎°• that relationship where everyone knows you're together but nobody knows your business ▪︎°•▪︎°•▪︎°•
The Campbell Museum grand opening was the place to be tonight. If not for a love of history than the art auctions had certainly brought out enough people to make it a special event. The D'Amore family had donated a rather large chunk of money to the Museum and we're the honored guests for the evening. Lex had been so generous, that they had intentions of presenting him with an award. For his great work in the city was just beginning.
The Governor himself would be making a speech and presenting the award to Lex. That kind of political attention meant that society now had no choice in the matter. The D'Amore family was taking over. Quickly becoming the most powerful in New York city. Exactly everything my father had said they never would be. Or rather that Lex and John's side of the family shouldn't be. Had it been Samuel, my father would have been thrilled. Probably because he could have easily gotten whatever he wanted from Samuel and knew Lex and John wouldn't give in to him.
Which I, personally, couldn't see what my father could have wanted from Samuel. It wasn't as if my father hadn't had connections of his own, he would have just had more with Samuel leading instead of Lex.
With the family being the guests of honor, of course, every member is expected to attend. Which means shopping and hair appointments. While the men tend to business affairs during the day. I saw only a glimpse of Pauly this morning before he left. And since we're to attend such a large event this evening, I've so much to do before hand.
Pauly and I never finished what we started last night. In fact, our conversation had ended shortly after our little fight. He'd gone out with Oscar and Seth, returning sometime in the night. Pauly having stayed out so late hadn't bothered me much. Until I'd looked at my news feed and found a picture of Pauly entering a club with Oscar and Seth. And then another of Katlyn Evans, wearing a cheap wig, entering the same club. I trust him. It's her, I don't trust.
The fact that both Oscar and Seth should have made me feel better and it does to a point. But then that little voice in the back of my head speaks up. Asking; if Pauly ever did run off with a girl, any girl, would Oscar or Seth speak up? Would they tell me? Why would they? They're his family and barely even my friends. I'm friends with their women, sure. But the whole bro's before hoe's thing comes to mind.
It's his past that haunts me.
He use to be so wild. Girl after girl. Sometimes two or three at a time. And now, all he has is me. Am I enough? He's said so. I want to believe that. And it's what I grasp onto with both hands.
When he'd come home, I'd pretended to be asleep. Our backs to each other, facing the walls, away from each other. And this morning...
He'd woke early. Surprisingly early, since he'd come home so late. At least he'd given me a kiss on the cheek before heading out again. I can't understand how things could be so good between us one second and then in a flash, they go bad again.
And since Marco still will not speak to me, I decide to spend the day getting to know Shopie.
Dragging Rita to a spa is never a hardship, she's always down. But poor Sophie looked a little horrified by the idea.

"Don't worry, Sweet Pea," Rita assures her niece with a pat on her hand. "This is one of the perks to being one of Caroline's favorite people."

Sophie turned to me with wide blue green eyes.

"I'm one of your favorites?" She asks.

I lean forward to give her hand a light squeeze.

"Of course, you are. Anyone who means so much to Rita means something to me too."

A small smile breaks her nervous expression.

"Thank you, ma'am."

I can't help grinning back at the girl. She could be a great beauty one day. With her golden hair, pale skin, and amazing eyes. She'll take the world by strom, I have no doubt. If only her confidence were better. As of now, she's like a quite meek mouse. So docile. A broken submissive. Not realizing the power she could have if she only wanted it. Right then, I make a decision.

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now